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HomeArunachal Pradesh 2004Arunachal

Arunachal Pradesh 2004

Election Summary

Total number of constituencies analyzed 60
Total candidates analyzed by NEW 112
Candidates with declared criminal cases 2(2%)
Candidates with declared serious criminal cases 0(0%)
Crorepati candidates 36(32%)
Candidates who are graduate or above 55 (49%)
Candidates who have not declared PAN 111 (99%)
Total women candidates 4 (4%)
Total winners analyzed by NEW 59
Winners with declared criminal cases 2 (3%)
Winners with declared serious criminal cases 0 (0%)
Crorepati winners 16 (27%)
Winners who are graduate or above 30 (51%)
Winners who have not declared PAN 58 (98%)
Total women winners 0 (0%)

List of Candidates (Arunachal)

Sno .CandidatePartyCriminal CasesEducationAgeTotal AssetsLiabilities
1 PARO MOLOArunachal Congress010th Pass38Rs 5,97,000
~ 5 Lacs+
Rs 0
2 THUPTEN TEMPAIND0Post Graduate46Rs 1,65,36,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
3 ANOK WANGSANCP012th Pass41
4 ATUM WELLYINC012th Pass40Rs 79,50,000
~ 79 Lacs+
Rs 0
5 BALO RAJA BJP0Graduate34Rs 3,38,40,000
~ 3 Crore+
Rs 0
6 BAMANG FILIX Arunachal Congress0Graduate39
7 BOSIRAM SIRAM BJP0Graduate38Rs 74,53,358
~ 74 Lacs+
Rs 0
8 C.C.SINGPHO INC0Not Given54Rs 1,58,54,033
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
10 CHOPEI CHIMYANG Arunachal Congress0Not Given51Rs 3,53,000
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
11 CHOW INDRAJIT NAMCHOOM IND012th Pass61Rs 60,93,913
~ 60 Lacs+
Rs 0
13 CHOW PINGTHIKA NAMCHOOMIND010th Pass62Rs 78,14,807
~ 78 Lacs+
Rs 3,31,147
~ 3 Lacs+
14 CHOW TEWA MEIN BJP0Graduate61Rs 2,69,05,685
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 0
15 CHOWAN MEIN INC0Graduate56
16 DAKLO NIDAK Arunachal Congress0Graduate44Rs 33,12,570
~ 33 Lacs+
Rs 0
17 DIBANG TATAK INC012th Pass39Rs 65,02,546
~ 65 Lacs+
Rs 0
19 GADAM ETE INC012th Pass31Rs 22,44,178
~ 22 Lacs+
Rs 0
20 GEGONG APANG INC0Graduate61Rs 9,36,50,000
~ 9 Crore+
Rs 6,40,000
~ 6 Lacs+
22 HARI NOTUNGINC010th Pass40Rs 5,74,09,271
~ 5 Crore+
Rs 0
23 HONCHUN NGANDAMINC0Graduate39Rs 30,000
~ 30 Thou+
Rs 0
24 J.K. PANGGENG Arunachal Congress0Graduate Professional51
25 JAPU DERU INC010th Pass45Rs 1,10,00,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
26 JARBOM GAMLIN INC0Graduate Professional43Rs 95,55,000
~ 95 Lacs+
Rs 0
28 JUMBI BAGRAIND0Not Given46Rs 1,31,60,290
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
29 K.K.MOKLOMIND010th Pass51Rs 20,10,286
~ 20 Lacs+
Rs 0
30 KABANG BORANG INC010th Pass63
31 KAHFA BENGIA INC0Graduate40Rs 1,37,00,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
32 KALIKHO PULINC0Graduate35Rs 65,56,500
~ 65 Lacs+
Rs 0
33 KAMLUNG MOSSING INC0Graduate Professional42
34 KAMTHOK LOWANG IND010th Pass36Rs 1,25,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
35 KARIKHO KRI IND010th Pass33Rs 48,15,507
~ 48 Lacs+
Rs 0
37 KHAPRISO KRONGBJP0Graduate54Rs 73,11,395
~ 73 Lacs+
Rs 5,63,732
~ 5 Lacs+
38 KITO SORA INC0Not Given45Rs 48,45,400
~ 48 Lacs+
Rs 0
39 KOMOLI MOSANG IND0Post Graduate45
40 KUMAR WAIIINC110th Pass34Rs 70,72,000
~ 70 Lacs+
Rs 2,00,000
~ 2 Lacs+
41 LAETA UMBREYBJP0Graduate48Rs 45,70,000
~ 45 Lacs+
Rs 0
43 LAMBO TAYENG INC012th Pass40Rs 70,00,000
~ 70 Lacs+
Rs 0
44 LIJUM RONYA IND0Graduate59Rs 1,64,00,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
46 LOKAM TASAR IND08th Pass43Rs 59,77,530
~ 59 Lacs+
Rs 0
47 LOWANGCHA WANGLAT INC0Graduate55Rs 1,89,05,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
48 MAYONG MAIOIND012th Pass34
49 MEKUP DELOBJP0Illiterate50Rs 2,67,14,000
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 0
50 MUKUT MITHI INC0Graduate51Rs 1,60,75,873
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
51 NAINI NATUNG INC0Graduate36
52 NAKUL CHAIINC012th Pass49Rs 51,85,123
~ 51 Lacs+
Rs 0
53 NANI RIBIA IND0Graduate44Rs 1,29,40,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
55 NGUNGTIM CHANGMIINC0Graduate42Rs 11,21,000
~ 11 Lacs+
Rs 0
56 NIDO PAVITRA IND010th Pass37Rs 51,40,060
~ 51 Lacs+
Rs 0
57 NIKH KAMIN NCP010th Pass42
58 NINONG ERING INC0Graduate46Rs 2,18,00,000
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 0
59 NYATO RIGIA INC0Graduate38Rs 7,23,196
~ 7 Lacs+
Rs 0
60 OJING KOMBOHBJP012th Pass34
61 OMKAR APANG INC0Post Graduate33Rs 79,88,433
~ 79 Lacs+
Rs 0
62 PADI RICHO INC010th Pass39Rs 20,74,606
~ 20 Lacs+
Rs 38,67,047
~ 38 Lacs+
64 PHOSUM KHIMHUNIND012th Pass40Rs 32,30,135
~ 32 Lacs+
Rs 0
65 R.T. KHUNJUJUBJP012th Pass41Rs 19,42,000
~ 19 Lacs+
Rs 0
66 RAJESH TACHOINC010th Pass47
67 RALOM BORANG IND0Graduate Professional37Rs 1,23,00,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
68 RIMA TAIPODAIINC012th Pass48Rs 30,00,000
~ 30 Lacs+
Rs 0
70 SETONG SENA INC0Graduate42Rs 39,30,500
~ 39 Lacs+
Rs 0
71 SHRI D.K.THONGDOKINC012th Pass46Rs 75,10,341
~ 75 Lacs+
Rs 0
73 SHRI KIPA BABU BJP0Post Graduate31Rs 8,70,600
~ 8 Lacs+
Rs 0
74 SHRI NABAM TUKI INC0Not Given37Rs 4,14,25,863
~ 4 Crore+
Rs 0
76 SHRI NGURANG PINCHIND1Not Given41Rs 74,17,134
~ 74 Lacs+
Rs 0
77 SHRI RINCHIN KHANDU KHRIMEYIND0Post Graduate54Rs 2,01,00,000
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 9,00,000
~ 9 Lacs+
78 SHRI T.C. TELI INC0Graduate40
79 SHRI TSERING GYURME INC08th Pass46Rs 56,36,000
~ 56 Lacs+
Rs 0
80 SRI EKEN RIBA INC0Graduate Professional51Rs 68,20,000
~ 68 Lacs+
Rs 0
82 T.G. RINPOCHE INC0Post Graduate38Rs 12,50,000
~ 12 Lacs+
Rs 0
83 TADIK CHIJE INC0Not Given58NilRs 0
84 TAKAM SORANG INC0Graduate30
85 TAKAR DONI IND010th Pass44Rs 13,30,000
~ 13 Lacs+
Rs 0
86 TAKAR MARDE INC010th Pass42Rs 72,61,103
~ 72 Lacs+
Rs 0
87 TAKO DABI INC0Graduate Professional48
88 TALO MUGLIBJP010th Pass48Rs 1,44,00,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
89 TAME PHASSANGIND0Graduate36Rs 2,23,12,858
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 0
91 TANGA BYALING INC0Not Given58Rs 16,91,640
~ 16 Lacs+
Rs 0
92 TANGOR TAPAK BJP0Graduate Professional42Rs 1,00,45,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
93 TANI LOFFABJP0Graduate33
94 TANILNG TASIRING IND05th Pass36Rs 2,50,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
95 TANYONG TATAK INC012th Pass51Rs 12,95,000
~ 12 Lacs+
Rs 0
96 TAPANG TALOH BJP0Graduate38
97 TARA BHGANGINC0Graduate38Rs 64,52,000
~ 64 Lacs+
Rs 0
98 TARIK RAVA IND0Illiterate35Rs 2,40,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
100 TECHI HEMU BJP0Not Given36Rs 51,16,404
~ 51 Lacs+
Rs 0

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