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HomeLok Sabha 2009UTTAR PRADESHBaghpatMUKESH SHARMA(Criminal & Asset Declaration)

Lok Sabha 2009


Age: 28

Other Elections
Declaration inDeclared AssetsDeclared Cases
Uttar Pradesh 2017Rs14,40,13,887
~14 Crore+
Uttar Pradesh 2012Rs10,55,56,733
~10 Crore+
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Print Profile
View Candidate Election Expenses


Number of Criminal Cases: 5

Assets & Liabilities

Assets: Rs 6,11,76,716 ~6 Crore+
Liabilities: Rs 65,18,518 ~65 Lacs+

Educational Details

Category: 12th Pass
Intermideate SMT IGS I.College Dadu Aligarh 2005

Details of Criminal Cases

Brief Details of IPC / BNS

Cases where accused

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
1452,323,504,506 Crime No.286A/2000, P.S. Sector 24, Noida, Additional chief judicial magistrate, Goutam Budh Nagar,
2406,420,352,506 Crime No.94/2006, P.S. Sector 24, Noida, Additional chief judicial magistrate, Goutam Budh Nagar,
3307 Crime No.170/2000, P.S.Sector 24, Noida, Additional chief judicial magistrate, Goutam Budh Nagar, Dt. 22 June 2006
4147,148,149,452,323,506 156(3)CRPC C-3/04, P.S. Sector 24 Noida, F.I.R.No.2008/04, Additional chief judicial magistrate, Goutam Budh Nagar, Dt. 14.12.2004
5395, 364A C.No.910/07, P.S. New Agra, 156(3) CRPC Act, Special Judge, F.I.R. No.371/2007, Dt. 06.12.2007

Cases where convicted

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
---------No Cases--------

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Criminal Cases :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Movable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iCash10,00,000  10 Lacs+
5,00,000  5 Lacs+
1,00,000  1 Lacs+
NilNilRs 16,00,000
16 Lacs+
iiDeposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies5,500  5 Thou+
SBI Sec.39 Noida No 6601780xxxxx
1,000  1 Thou+
SBI Baraula Noida No 3030295xxxxx
6,000  6 Thou+
IOB Sec 37 Noida No 1xxxxx
20,00,000  20 Lacs+
SBI sec 39 Noida No 6602376xxxxx
5,000  5 Thou+
INDIAN OVERSHIZ BANK sec 37Noida No 1xxxxx
4,500  4 Thou+
PNB Bulandsahar No 456800010000xxxxx
NilNilNilRs 20,22,000
20 Lacs+
iiiBonds, Debentures and Shares in companies50,000  50 Thou+
MBM Constructions and Realities
50,000  50 Thou+
MBM Info Solutions
50,000  50 Thou+
MBM Software Pvt. Ltd.
50,000  50 Thou+
Avikshata Construction
90,000  90 Thou+
MBM Computers Pvt. Ltd.
90,000  90 Thou+
MBM In Fastactur Pvt. Ltd
7,016  7 Thou+
Shares in Sharekhan Account
25,000  25 Thou+
LIC Bond
NilNilNilRs 4,12,016
4 Lacs+
NSS, Postal Savings etc
Nil1,35,000  1 Lacs+
NilNilNilRs 1,35,000
1 Lacs+
LIC or other insurance Policies
**Not counted in total assets
24,936  24 Thou+
Lic Primium
5,00,000  5 Lacs+
Lic 254789622 244166 PRIM/Y 27016
2,00,000  2 Lacs+
LIC 115626944 PRI./Y 12497
75,000  75 Thou+
Bjaj Allianz 0036584546 pri.60000/y
1,00,000  1 Lacs+
Bjaj Alianz Life Ins.0089214460
5,00,000  5 Lacs+
LIC 252422668 244166 PRIM./Y24778
2,00,000  2 Lacs+
LIC 560960266 PRIM./Y 12220
4,00,000  4 Lacs+
LIC 1156945 24936 PRI/ Y
NilNilNilRs 19,99,936
19 Lacs+
vMotor Vehicles (details of make, etc.)4,00,000  4 Lacs+
Scorpio UP16N 1906
3,50,000  3 Lacs+
Santro UP16 N 0207
20,00,000  20 Lacs+
Honda CRB
10,00,000  10 Lacs+
NilNilNilRs 37,50,000
37 Lacs+
viJewellery (give details weight value)24,00,000  24 Lacs+
Diamond Ring
1,50,000  1 Lacs+
Gold Chain 100 gm
75,000  75 Thou+
Gold Chain 50 gm
1,50,000  1 Lacs+
Gold Rings(5) 100 gm
3,00,000  3 Lacs+
Gold bracelet 200 gms
22,00,000  22 Lacs+
Diamond Ring
1,50,000  1 Lacs+
Gold Chain 100 gms
1,50,000  1 Lacs+
Gold Chain 100 gms
3,00,000  3 Lacs+
Gold Ring 200 gms
12,00,000  12 Lacs+
Gold Chudiyan
3,75,000  3 Lacs+
Gold Necklace
2,25,000  2 Lacs+
Gold Necklace
75,000  75 Thou+
Gold tika
1,50,000  1 Lacs+
Gold earing
4,00,000  4 Lacs+
Diamond earing
45,000  45 Thou+
Gold nosering
20,000  20 Thou+
Silver ornaments
75,000  75 Thou+
Gold Chain
30,000  30 Thou+
Gold Chain
15,000  15 Thou+
Gold Chain
15,000  15 Thou+
Gold Locket
7,500  7 Thou+
Gold locket
200  2 Hund+
NilNilRs 85,07,700
85 Lacs+
viiOther assets, such as values of claims / interests20,00,000  20 Lacs+
Advance for a plot in Noida c-23 Sec 10Noida Area 117 sqm
NilNilNilNilRs 20,00,000
20 Lacs+
Totals Rs 72,17,500
72 Lacs+
Rs 1,09,66,516
1 Crore+
Rs 2,42,700
2 Lacs+
NilNil Rs 1,84,26,716
1 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Movable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Immovable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iAgricultural LandNilNilNilNilNilNil
iiNon Agricultural Land7,50,000  7 Lacs+
Vill.Gijhour Sec 53 Noida Area 350sqm 1/2 175sqm purch.Cost 375000
NilNilNilNilRs 7,50,000
7 Lacs+
iiiBuildings15,00,000  15 Lacs+
Shop No 209, Second Floor, Royal Plaza, Noida D 2 Block E Alfa 1 54.07 sqm Purc.cost 659000
20,00,000  20 Lacs+
Shop No 208, Second Floor, Royal Plaza, Noida D-2 Block E Alfa 1 78.309 sqm p.cost 1438301
NilNilNilNilRs 35,00,000
35 Lacs+
ivHouses15,00,000  15 Lacs+
222 2nd Floor Kasmanda House 2Park rd , Lucknow 97.118 SQM P.Cost 825000
60,00,000  60 Lacs+
B-17, Sector-71, Noida 450sqm 1/2 225 sqm P.c. 885875
60,00,000  60 Lacs+
Flat No-125, Sector 37, Noida 1755sqft P.cost 3165000
2,50,00,000  2 Crore+
B-262, Sector 50, 450sqm Noida P.COST 15750000
NilNilNilRs 3,85,00,000
3 Crore+
Totals Rs 1,77,50,000
1 Crore+
Rs 2,50,00,000
2 Crore+
NilNilNil Rs 4,27,50,000
4 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Immovable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Liabilities

Sr NoDescriptionAmount
(a) iLoans from Banks2,37,593  2 Lacs+
Loan for Santro Car
Rs 2,37,593
2 Lacs+
iiLoans from Financial Institutions62,80,925  62 Lacs+
ICICI Home finance
Rs 62,80,925
62 Lacs+
iii(a) Dues to departments dealing with government accommodationNilNil
(b) Dues to departments dealing with supply of waterNilNil
(c) Dues to departments dealing with supply of electricityNilNil
(d) Dues to departments dealing with telephonesNilNil
(e) Dues to departments dealing with supply of transportNilNil
(f) Other Dues if anyNilNil
(b)(i) (a) Income Tax including surcharge [Also indicate the assessment year upto which Income Tax Return filed.]NilNil
(b) Permanent Account Number (PAN)PAN given-Y
(ii) Wealth Tax [Also indicate the assessment year upto which Wealth Tax return filed.]NilNil
(iii) Sales Tax [Only in case proprietary business]NilNil
(iv) Property TaxNilNil
Totals Rs 65,18,518
65 Lacs+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Liabilities :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

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Disclaimer: All information on this website has been taken by ADR from the website of the Election Commission of India ( and all the information is available in public domain. ADR does not add or subtract any information, unless the EC changes the data. In particular, no unverified information from any other source is used. While all efforts have been made by ADR to ensure that the information is in keeping with what is available in the ECI website, in case of discrepancy between information provided by ADR through this report, anyone and that given in the ECI website, the information available on the ECI website should be treated as correct and Association for Democratic Reforms and their volunteers are not responsible or liable for any direct, indirect special, or consequential damages, claims, demands, losses of any kind whatsoever, made, claimed, incurred or suffered by any party arising under or relating to the usage of data provided by ADR through this report. It is to be noted that ADR undertakes great care and adopts utmost due diligence in analysing and dissemination of the background information of the candidates furnished by them at the time of elections from the duly self-sworn affidavits submitted with the Election Commission of India. Such information is only aimed at highlighting the growing criminality in politics, increased misuse of money in elections so as to facilitate a system of transparency, accountability and good governance and to enable voters to form an informed choice. Therefore, it is expected that anyone using this report shall undertake due care and utmost precaution while using the data provided by ADR. ADR is not responsible for any mishandling, discrepancy, inability to understand, misinterpretation or manipulation, distortion of the data in such a way so as to benefit or target a particular political party or politician or candidate.

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