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HomeLok Sabha 2009HIMACHAL PRADESHMandiVIRBHADRA SINGH(Criminal & Asset Declaration)

Lok Sabha 2009


S/o|D/o|W/o: Late Shri Padam Singh
Age: 75

Other Elections
Declaration inDeclared AssetsDeclared Cases
Himachal Pradesh 2017Rs30,52,15,611
~30 Crore+
Himachal Pradesh 2012Rs34,00,14,971
~34 Crore+
Union Council of Ministers 2011Rs22,22,99,608
~22 Crore+
Himachal 2007Rs24,18,97,362
~24 Crore+
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No criminal cases

Assets & Liabilities

Assets: Rs 22,52,28,748 ~22 Crore+
Liabilities: Rs 6,28,864 ~6 Lacs+

Educational Details

Category: Post Graduate
St. Stephen College Delhi-1956

Details of Criminal Cases

No criminal cases

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Criminal Cases :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Movable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iCash3,00,000  3 Lacs+
80,000  80 Thou+
NilNilNilRs 3,80,000
3 Lacs+
iiDeposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial Companies35,78,073  35 Lacs+
ICICI Bank Ltd, The Mall Shimla Cust Id67806113 as on 31-3-2009
69,436  69 Thou+
ICICI Bank Ltd, The Mall Shimla Cust id 67804647 as on 31-03-2009
69,86,010  69 Lacs+
Shrikhand Orchad HUF ICICI Bank Ltd, The Mall Shimla Cust id 67804212 as on 31-3-2009
22,59,078  22 Lacs+
Uco Bank HP Vidhan Sabha, Shimla No 1255010000xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
19,10,823  19 Lacs+
PPF SBI Shimla No 1083615xxxxx as on 4-4-2009
23,86,783  23 Lacs+
PPF No 1083615xxxxx as on 4-4-2009
3,09,843  3 Lacs+
SBI Parliament House New Delhi No 100238xxxxx-5 as on 2-4-2009
3,85,148  3 Lacs+
SBI Parliament House New Delhi No 301773xxxxx-3 as on 2-4-2009
5,10,000  5 Lacs+
SBI Parliament House New Delhi No 301773xxxxx-3 as on 2-4-2009
5,00,000  5 Lacs+
SBI Parliament House New Delhi No 305737xxxxx-7 as on 2-4-2009
6,535  6 Thou+
SBI Sarahan Bushahr S.B No 1156597xxxxx as on 4-4-2009
6,81,372  6 Lacs+
HP State Co-op bank ltd, Sarahan Bsr. FDR A/c No.333 as on 4-4-2009
4,15,532  4 Lacs+
UCO Bank Rampur Bushahr FDR No 13xxxxx as on 8-4-2009
4,15,532  4 Lacs+
UCO Bank Rampur Bushahr FDR No 13xxxxx as on 8-4-2009
14,86,506  14 Lacs+
PNB Rampur Bushahr S.B. No 09430001000xxxxx-8 as on 31-3-2009
7,49,007  7 Lacs+
HP State Co-op Bank Rampur Bushahr FDR A/c No 746 as on 31-3-2009
3,385  3 Thou+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 1115682xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
6,63,612  6 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031140xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
1,44,992  1 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031141xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
97,357  97 Thou+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031141xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
97,357  97 Thou+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031141xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
8,09,532  8 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031141xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
1,35,459  1 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031143xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
1,35,459  1 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031143xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
1,24,363  1 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031140xxxxx
1,24,363  1 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031140xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
3,73,126  3 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031140xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
4,13,366  4 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031141xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
1,44,992  1 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031141xxxxx as on 31-3-2009
6,31,892  6 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031136xxxxx as on 31-03-2009
1,24,363  1 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031140xxxxx as on 31-03-2009
1,24,363  1 Lacs+
SBI Rampur Bushahr FDR No 3031140xxxxx as on 31-03-2009
11,32,770  11 Lacs+
SB/FD No 63530100xxxxx ICICI Bank, Shimla
2,88,724  2 Lacs+
ICICI Shimla No 63531402xxxxx
3,01,343  3 Lacs+
ICICI Shimla No 63531402xxxxx
12,01,214  12 Lacs+
SBI Parliament House New Delhi No 1002382xxxxx
4,91,839  4 Lacs+
SBI Rampur FD No 1115694xxxxx
1,57,186  1 Lacs+
SBI Sarahan No 0119000xxxxx
5,81,234  5 Lacs+
CO-op Bank, Sarahan-FD A/c No 188
56,491  56 Thou+
Co-Op Bank Sarahan FD A/C No. 3580
4,439  4 Thou+
PNB SB No 100xxxxx Rampur
3,83,849  3 Lacs+
PPF Account no. 2027 PNB Shimla
NilNilNilRs 3,13,96,748
3 Crore+
iiiBonds, Debentures and Shares in companiesNil2,11,000  2 Lacs+
2110 Equity Shares
1,20,000  1 Lacs+
ICICI & IDBI Infrastructure Bonds
NilNilNilRs 3,31,000
3 Lacs+
NSS, Postal Savings etc
1,20,000  1 Lacs+
NilNilNilNilRs 1,20,000
1 Lacs+
LIC or other insurance Policies
**Not counted in total assets
1,20,000  1 Lacs+
LIC Policy No 11130xxxxx
5,40,176  5 Lacs+
LIC Policy No 15315xxxxx
1,92,947  1 Lacs+
LIC Policy No 150197204
10,00,000  10 Lacs+
Unit Link Insurance Policy No 152863084
NilNilNilRs 18,53,123
18 Lacs+
vMotor Vehicles (details of make, etc.)2,00,000  2 Lacs+
Honda City No HP40A-0005
5,00,000  5 Lacs+
Scorpio no HP52A-5000
22,01,000  22 Lacs+
Skoda Superb 2.5 Diesel Engine 163 Bhp No HP26A-0005
NilNilNilNilRs 29,01,000
29 Lacs+
viJewellery (give details weight value)1,50,000  1 Lacs+
Jewellery Weight 100grms including stones
25,00,000  25 Lacs+
Jewellery Weight 2.160kgs. including stones
NilNilNilRs 26,50,000
26 Lacs+
viiOther assets, such as values of claims / interestsNilNilNilNilNilNil
Totals Rs 3,02,68,659
3 Crore+
Rs 75,10,089
75 Lacs+
NilNilNil Rs 3,77,78,748
3 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Movable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Immovable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iAgricultural Land60,00,000  60 Lacs+
Damrali 7-66-77 Hects.
25,00,000  25 Lacs+
Sarahan 6-80-89 Hects.
1,50,000  1 Lacs+
Kanai 0-95-00 Hects.
NilNilNilNilRs 86,50,000
86 Lacs+
iiNon Agricultural Land3,00,000  3 Lacs+
Damrali 0-23-33 hects.
25,00,000  25 Lacs+
Sarahan: 0-97-71 Hects Survey No 111, GOI vide Acceptance Note No. G13-4(27) 48, dated 27-06-1950 granted Following Two Properties:
10,00,00,000  10 Crore+
i)Padam Palace Estate Measuring 2-08-39 Hects. including cost of land.
5,00,00,000  5 Crore+
ii)Shimla Estate consisting of Holly Lodge, Annexe, Padam Cottage, Servants Quarters and the Compound measuring 1-00-69 Hects. including cost of land
2,00,00,000  2 Crore+
iii)Shanti Kunj Estate, Sarahan (old Ancestral Estate Acquired by Inheritance)
30,00,000  30 Lacs+
iv) Flat No. 202 Nav Sansad Vihar Co Operative Society New Delhi
30,00,000  30 Lacs+
Sarahan 0-01-23 hectares Building
NilNilNilRs 17,88,00,000
17 Crore+
As Given at (ii) above
NilNilNilNilRs 0
As Given at (ii) above
NilNilNilNilRs 0
Totals Rs 18,44,50,000
18 Crore+
Rs 30,00,000
30 Lacs+
NilNilNil Rs 18,74,50,000
18 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Immovable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Liabilities

Sr NoDescriptionAmount
(a) iLoans from BanksNilNil
iiLoans from Financial InstitutionsNilNil
iii(a) Dues to departments dealing with government accommodationNilNil
(b) Dues to departments dealing with supply of waterNilNil
(c) Dues to departments dealing with supply of electricityNilNil
(d) Dues to departments dealing with telephonesNilNil
(e) Dues to departments dealing with supply of transportNilNil
(f) Other Dues if any6,28,864  6 Lacs+
Housing loan from govt. of HP as on 17-4-2009
Rs 6,28,864
6 Lacs+
(b)(i) (a) Income Tax including surcharge [Also indicate the assessment year upto which Income Tax Return filed.]NilNil
(b) Permanent Account Number (PAN)PAN given-Y
(ii) Wealth Tax [Also indicate the assessment year upto which Wealth Tax return filed.]NilNil
(iii) Sales Tax [Only in case proprietary business]NilNil
(iv) Property TaxNilNil
Totals Rs 6,28,864
6 Lacs+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Liabilities :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

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