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HomeSikkim 2019EAST

Sikkim 2019

Election Summary

Total number of constituencies analyzed 32
Total candidates analyzed by NEW 150
Candidates with declared criminal cases 4(3%)
Candidates with declared serious criminal cases 4(3%)
Crorepati candidates 64(43%)
Candidates who are graduate or above 55 (37%)
Candidates who have not declared PAN 8 (5%)
Total women candidates 15 (10%)
Total winners analyzed by NEW 32
Winners with declared criminal cases 0 (0%)
Winners with declared serious criminal cases 0 (0%)
Crorepati winners 24 (75%)
Winners who are graduate or above 16 (50%)
Winners who have not declared PAN 0 (0%)
Total women winners 3 (9%)

List of Candidates (EAST)

Sno .CandidatePartyCriminal CasesEducationAgeTotal AssetsLiabilities
1 Aita TamangINC05th Pass47Rs 1,08,405
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
2 Anand LamaSikkim Krantikari Morcha1Graduate57Rs 6,58,67,327
~ 6 Crore+
Rs 0
3 Anil Kr RaiSikkim Republican Party08th Pass40
4 Anita GurungINC0Post Graduate34Rs 69,05,290
~ 69 Lacs+
Rs 0
5 Anush RaiHamro Sikkim Party012th Pass38Rs 2,06,680
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
6 Arun Kumar UpretiSikkim Krantikari Morcha012th Pass51
7 Ashis RaiIND0Graduate45Rs 9,82,69,373
~ 9 Crore+
Rs 19,00,500
~ 19 Lacs+
8 Bhaichung BhutiaHamro Sikkim Party010th Pass42Rs 15,40,01,340
~ 15 Crore+
Rs 1,02,58,961
~ 1 Crore+
10 Bikash DarjeeIND012th Pass32Rs 29,00,920
~ 29 Lacs+
Rs 0
11 Binod DarjeeINC05th Pass60Rs 46,750
~ 46 Thou+
Rs 0
12 Biraj AdhikariHamro Sikkim Party0Graduate Professional57
13 Birendra PouraliBJP0Graduate Professional38Rs 73,40,010
~ 73 Lacs+
Rs 2,80,000
~ 2 Lacs+
14 Bishnu Kr SharmaSikkim Krantikari Morcha05th Pass64Rs 9,28,48,510
~ 9 Crore+
Rs 2,57,494
~ 2 Lacs+
15 Chakrapani SharmaSikkim Republican Party010th Pass55
16 Chewang Dorjee BhutiaINC0Graduate33Rs 1,70,60,749
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 19,03,172
~ 19 Lacs+
17 Dal Bahadur ChettriBJP0Graduate45Rs 3,80,62,183
~ 3 Crore+
Rs 24,27,959
~ 24 Lacs+
19 Damber Kr PradhanSikkim Krantikari Morcha0Graduate33Rs 8,77,851
~ 8 Lacs+
Rs 0
20 Delay Namgyal BarfungpaIND08th Pass54Rs 57,79,62,986
~ 57 Crore+
Rs 0
21 Dennis RaiSikkim Krantikari Morcha0Graduate51
22 Deo Kr PradhanINC012th Pass40Rs 3,50,000
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
23 Devi BasnettBJP012th Pass56Rs 2,50,28,174
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 2,09,250
~ 2 Lacs+
24 Dilliram ThapaSDF0Graduate Professional50
25 Dorjee Ongden BhutiaINC05th Pass76Rs 82,012
~ 82 Thou+
Rs 0
26 Dorjee Tshering LepchaSDF010th Pass61Rs 12,24,63,095
~ 12 Crore+
Rs 49,14,562
~ 49 Lacs+
28 Dr. Bina BasnettHamro Sikkim Party0Post Graduate34Rs 12,11,772
~ 12 Lacs+
Rs 0
29 Em Prasad SharmaSDF012th Pass43Rs 42,15,434
~ 42 Lacs+
Rs 0
30 Garjaman GurungSDF08th Pass48
31 Gay Tshering DhungelSDF0Graduate Professional59Rs 19,97,91,072
~ 19 Crore+
Rs 4,61,965
~ 4 Lacs+
32 Gopal BarailySDF012th Pass53Rs 2,94,02,456
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 18,491
~ 18 Thou+
33 Gopal ChettriINC010th Pass39
34 Gopal KhatiwaraIND010th Pass42Rs 4,36,051
~ 4 Lacs+
Rs 0
35 Gyaltsen BhutiaIND010th Pass46Rs 8,54,80,125
~ 8 Crore+
Rs 6,27,145
~ 6 Lacs+
37 Indra Kr SujiHamro Sikkim Party18th Pass45Rs 37,20,200
~ 37 Lacs+
Rs 7,30,000
~ 7 Lacs+
38 Jigdal Chewang BhutiaBJP08th Pass37Rs 72,728
~ 72 Thou+
Rs 0
39 Karma Wangdi BhutiaSDF05th Pass49
40 Kharka Bdr RaiSikkim Republican Party08th Pass50Rs 78,42,982
~ 78 Lacs+
Rs 0
41 Krishna Bahadur RaiSDF0Graduate70Rs 7,58,17,645
~ 7 Crore+
Rs 20,55,828
~ 20 Lacs+
42 Kunga Nima LepchaSikkim Krantikari Morcha0Graduate71
43 Kunga Nima LepchaSikkim Krantikari Morcha0Graduate71Rs 62,97,797
~ 62 Lacs+
Rs 2,36,553
~ 2 Lacs+
44 Lall Bahadur DasSikkim Krantikari Morcha0Graduate48Rs 64,41,567
~ 64 Lacs+
Rs 12,00,448
~ 12 Lacs+
46 Mohan GurungBJP0Literate76Rs 2,80,93,047
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 0
47 Nagendra Bikram GurungSikkim Krantikari Morcha0Graduate68Rs 2,21,85,978
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 0
48 Neeraj AdhikariHamro Sikkim Party0Post Graduate31
49 Nima LepchaHamro Sikkim Party0Others55Rs 23,73,47,279
~ 23 Crore+
Rs 53,298
~ 53 Thou+
50 Philip LamichaneyHamro Sikkim Party08th Pass34Rs 10,73,000
~ 10 Lacs+
Rs 0
51 Phipra Hang SubbaSikkim Rajya Manch Party012th Pass39
52 Phurba SherpaIND0Graduate45Rs 62,61,552
~ 62 Lacs+
Rs 8,76,802
~ 8 Lacs+
53 Pintso ChopelSDF0Graduate50Rs 14,36,77,741
~ 14 Crore+
Rs 26,72,153
~ 26 Lacs+
55 Ramesh SharmaSikkim United Front0Graduate Professional43Rs 22,19,763
~ 22 Lacs+
Rs 0
56 Rudra KhatiwaraHamro Sikkim Party210th Pass46Rs 3,86,700
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
57 Rudra Narsing SakyaIND012th Pass47
58 Sangay Chopel BhutiaHamro Sikkim Party05th Pass40Rs 1,50,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
59 Santosh BardewaIND012th Pass37Rs 66,87,789
~ 66 Lacs+
Rs 18,81,772
~ 18 Lacs+
60 Sher Bahadur KarkiBJP0Graduate33
61 Shyam PradhanSDF012th Pass47Rs 2,07,60,624
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 13,93,918
~ 13 Lacs+
62 Sonam DarjeeSikkim Republican Party0Graduate31Rs 37,93,502
~ 37 Lacs+
Rs 64,00,000
~ 64 Lacs+
64 Sonam Tshering VenchungpaSikkim Krantikari Morcha0Others47Rs 7,29,85,647
~ 7 Crore+
Rs 60,72,729
~ 60 Lacs+
65 Sumitra RaiINC08th Pass51Rs 28,448
~ 28 Thou+
Rs 0
66 Tshering BhutiaSikkim Krantikari Morcha0Graduate69
67 Tula Ram GuragaiINC0Graduate33Rs 29,29,833
~ 29 Lacs+
Rs 0
68 Yong Tshering LepchaBJP05th Pass51Rs 82,500
~ 82 Thou+
Rs 0


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