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HomeBihar 2020BHAGALPURBHAGALPURAJIT SHARMA(Criminal & Asset Declaration)

Bihar 2020

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S/o|D/o|W/o: Late Shiv Prasad Sharma
Age: 65
Name Enrolled as Voter in: 156-Bhagalpur (Bihar) constituency, at Serial no 384 in Part no 227

Self Profession:Business and Political MLA , Social Worker
Spouse Profession:Business and Social Worker

Other Elections
Declaration inDeclared AssetsDeclared Cases
Bihar 2015Rs40,57,35,981
~40 Crore+
Bihar Bye Election 2013Rs32,47,92,542
~32 Crore+
Bihar 2010Rs9,49,71,666
~9 Crore+
Click here for more details

Print Profile
View Candidate Election Expenses


Number of Criminal Cases: 7

Assets & Liabilities

Assets: Rs 43,27,91,009 ~43 Crore+
Liabilities: Rs 6,22,05,197 ~6 Crore+

Educational Details

Category: Graduate
Graduation from Tikamanjhi Bhagalpur University, TNB College in 1975, Matric from Bihar School Examination board, Patna, and Institution Shyam Sunder High School Bhagalpur in 1970

Details of PAN and status of Income Tax return

Relation TypePAN GivenFinancial YearTotal Income Shown in ITR
selfY2018 - 20192018 - 2019 ** Rs 28,88,250 ~ 28 Lacs+
2017 - 2018 ** Rs 71,39,590 ~ 71 Lacs+
2016 - 2017 ** Rs 41,60,850 ~ 41 Lacs+
2015 - 2016 ** Rs 17,34,860 ~ 17 Lacs+
2014 - 2015 ** Rs 18,63,080 ~ 18 Lacs+
spouseY2018 - 20192018 - 2019 ** Rs 34,49,310 ~ 34 Lacs+
2017 - 2018 ** Rs 39,19,330 ~ 39 Lacs+
2016 - 2017 ** Rs 24,23,200 ~ 24 Lacs+
2015 - 2016 ** Rs 22,73,870 ~ 22 Lacs+
2014 - 2015 ** Rs 18,23,970 ~ 18 Lacs+
hufY2018 - 20192018 - 2019 ** Rs 2,46,700 ~ 2 Lacs+
2017 - 2018 ** Rs 2,10,520 ~ 2 Lacs+
2016 - 2017 ** Rs 4,87,660 ~ 4 Lacs+
2015 - 2016 ** Rs 2,28,900 ~ 2 Lacs+
2014 - 2015 ** Rs 2,25,540 ~ 2 Lacs+
dependent1NNoneNone ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
dependent2NNoneNone ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
dependent3NNoneNone ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
None ** Rs 0 ~
Data Readability Report of PAN and Income Tax :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Criminal Cases

Brief Details of IPC / BNS

Cases where Pending

Serial No.FIR No.Case No.CourtIPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable Charges Framed Date on which charges were framedAppeal FiledDetails and present status of appeal
1 Ishipur Barhat, P.S. Case no.17/2019 dt. 19-03-2009 GR No.906/09 ACJM-1, Bhagalpur Section 3 Bihar Building Defacement Act Yes 04 Nov 2010No
2 Kahalgoan (Ghogha) Case no.170/2009 dt. 30-03-2009 GR No.1019/09 ACJM-1, Bhagalpur Section 3 Bihar Building Defacement Act Yes 26 Aug 2011No
3 Pirpainti PS Case no.62/2009 dt.17-09-2009 GR No.874/09 ACJM-1, Bhagalpur Section 3 Bihar Building Defacement Act Yes 04 Nov 2010No
4 Kotwali P.S. Case no. 742/2010 dt.27-10-2010 GR No.2994/2010 ACJM-1, Bhagalpur171H, 188 Yes 25 Jan 2013No
5 Kotwali (Barari) P.S. Case no.707/2011 dt.28-12-2011 GR No.3340/11 ACJM-1, Bhagalpur147, 148, 452, 323, 504, 506 No No
6 Kotwali (Barari) P.S. Case no.111/2012 dt.27-10-2010 GR No.472/12 ACJM-1, Bhagalpur 147, 149, 323, 379, 427, 447 No No
7 Case no PS 01/2008 pending at naugachiya court Under Forest act No No

Cases where Convicted

Serial No.Case No.CourtIPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable Punishment ImposedDate on which convictedAppeal FiledDetails and present status of appeal
---------No Cases--------

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Criminal Cases :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Movable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousehufdependent1dependent2dependent3
iCash 75,000  75 Thou+

5,25,000  5 Lacs+

4,500  4 Thou+

NilNilNil Rs 6,04,500
6 Lacs+
iiDeposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial CompaniesHDFC No 0765193000xxxxx
1,39,417  1 Lacs+

Canara bank No 2xxxxx

Canara bank No 2xxxxx

ALD Bank Bgp No 71xxxxx
6,876  6 Thou+

ALD Bank - Tnb No 91xxxxx
27,312  27 Thou+

SBI, Bhag No 1101658xxxxx
49,112  49 Thou+

SBI PB No 2xxxxx
54,381  54 Thou+

SBI PB No 3524095xxxxx
10,05,384  10 Lacs+

SBI Vidhan mandal, Patna No 2023158xxxxx
8,85,708  8 Lacs+

SBI, Jhan 11725741717
42,342  42 Thou+

SBI Tatarpur No 3002809xxxxx
17,944  17 Thou+

SBI PBB A/c no.5062
33,893  33 Thou+

1,88,380  1 Lacs+

7,43,704  7 Lacs+

Running Capital Fuel Centre Cash+stock+bank+debtors) as per audit report 31-03-2019
77,30,801  77 Lacs+

Capital Vaibhav highway in hotel As per audit report 31-03-2019
65,43,116  65 Lacs+

HDFC 3224
1,24,365  1 Lacs+

Canara No 2xxxxx
1,486  1 Thou+

ALD Bank Bgp 707036
6,44,110  6 Lacs+

Canara No 2xxxxx
13,194  13 Thou+

SBI PB 30616
9,21,423  9 Lacs+

SBI FD N 418388
11,95,441  11 Lacs+

SBI FD N 703795
12,78,782  12 Lacs+

HDFC FD N 322139
1,85,336  1 Lacs+

10,27,260  10 Lacs+

SBI Tatarpur RD 44808
4,00,000  4 Lacs+

Running Capital Fuel Mart Cash+stock+bank+debtors) as per audit report 31-03-2019
73,98,898  73 Lacs+

Canara No 1xxxxx
2,321  2 Thou+

NilNilNil Rs 3,06,60,986
3 Crore+
iiiBonds, Debentures and Shares in companiesShare market value
1,21,957  1 Lacs+

Share karvey stock broking ltd with HDFC Sec. ltd.
3,883  3 Thou+

Mutul fund SBI Magnum
2,14,267  2 Lacs+

Mutul fund Sundram
3,17,430  3 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 6,57,537
6 Lacs+
NSS, Postal Savings etc
NilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
LIC or other insurance Policies
Insurance policies
5,50,983  5 Lacs+

NilNilNilNilNil Rs 5,50,983
5 Lacs+
vPersonal loans/advance given Neha Sharma Daughter Amount of Canara proerty loan
55,82,000  55 Lacs+

NilNilNilNilNil Rs 55,82,000
55 Lacs+
viMotor Vehicles (details of make, etc.)Honda Civic car DL03CBE4426
3,00,000  3 Lacs+

Tanker lorey BR10G9767, BR10Q9767
8,00,000  8 Lacs+

Motor cycle
25,000  25 Thou+

Scorpio BR104090
19,60,000  19 Lacs+

Scorpio Car BR10PA4090
4,00,000  4 Lacs+

Tanker Lorey-2
9,50,000  9 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 44,35,000
44 Lacs+
viiJewellery (give details weight value)30OGM.
12,00,000  12 Lacs+

1 kg 200 gm.
48,00,000  48 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 60,00,000
60 Lacs+
viiiOther assets, such as values of claims / interestsMLA salary from bihar assembly, Invest in Partnership firm Hotel Vaibhav under construction, Director in city wings co. ltd. and Sriram DealersPvt ltd.
0*(Value Not Given)  

Invest in Partnership firm Hotel Vaibhav under construction, Director in city wings co. ltd. and Sriram DealersPvt ltd
0*(Value Not Given)  

Dudharu 11 cow
0*(Value Not Given)  

NilNilNil Rs 0
Gross Total Value (as per Affidavit) 2,80,87,195  2 Crore+ 2,03,96,993  2 Crore+ 5,56,821  5 Lacs+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 4,90,41,009
4 Crore+
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 2,80,87,193
2 Crore+
Rs 2,03,96,992
2 Crore+
Rs 6,821
6 Thou+
Rs 4,84,91,006
4 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Movable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Immovable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousehufdependent1dependent2dependent3
iAgricultural Land(1) Baijani Pista |Bau Jagdishpur Khat no.74,263 khesra no.336,681 Purchase date - 26-03-2011, 26-11-1996, 29-11-2006, 29-11-1996 Purchase cost - 105000 (2) Mauza Sahauli Block Naugachiya Khagra khata no.291 thana no.khasra 2210/2211, Purchase date - 30-05-2007, Purchase cost - 309000
Total Area 61.50 Decimal, 36.75 decimal
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
47,50,000  47 Lacs+

Thana-59, Bihpur N.H.-31, Khata no.1339, 17 khesra no.3636 3635 Purchase date 27-11-1991, 07-04-03
Total Area 109 decimal
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 94500.00
Development Cost 0.00
35,00,000  35 Lacs+

HUF Mauja Banki joint property
Total Area 10 acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited Y
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
50,00,000  50 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 1,32,50,000
1 Crore+
iiNon Agricultural Land1) MG.Road 34 Katha 3 Dhur Khata no- 297, Holding No-9/21 Plot no- 224 2.) Thana -, Blhpur ,N.H -31 Khat no - ,1339,Thana N - 59 Khesara no 3636 3.) Mauza - Jamunla ,Block - Naugachlya,Khagra Khata No - 243 & 679 Khasra No- 2233 & 2207 Thana No -46, 4) S.S.Sahay Road,Bhagalpur Khata no- 136 ward no 9/10 Ni.No- 9, Plot no - -179 5.) Zero Mile, Thana barari,, Bhagalpur Khata no- 41ward no 22/29 H.No- 4, Khesra no - -70 6. Mauza - Sahaull, Block - Naugachiya, Khagra Khata No - 5 Thana No -120, And Khat no-,/679 ,Khesara no 1146/2207 7. Tetrl,Thana no - 39 Naugachiya Khata no 941,khesra no - 2005 1. Area :18942 sq.ft 2. Area : 53.5 decimal 3. Area :67 Decimal 4. Area :4536 sq. ft. and 680 Sqft. 5. Area - 21.85 Decimal 6. Area :41.25 Decimal 7. Area : 18 decimal 1. 06.09.1999, 05.06.2000, 11.08.1999, 10.11.1997 2. 03.11.1995 3. 05.02.2002 3. Year 1984 4. 12.09.2007,31.07.2001, 14.02.2014 5. 27.11.2012, 10.1L20U 21.04.1995 Rs. 12,69, 000 /­ Rs. 36000/- Rs. 3,16,000/- Rs-9995 +39550 Rs-2208000/­ Rs -560000 Rs-28500/-
Total Area
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
22,50,00,000  22 Crore+

1 MG. Road 2 Katha 10 Dhur Khata no -297, Holding No-9/21 Plot no- 224 2. Baljanl ,Plsta ,Bau, Jagdishpur Khat no- , 5 & 74 Khesara no 336 & 67, 3. Tetri,Thana no - 39 Naugachiya Khata no 959& 1247, khesra no- 2001 4. Thana -59 ,Bihpur , N.H-31 Khat no- , 1339&717 Khesara no 3636&3635 5) S.S.Sahay Road, Bhagalpur Khata no-126& 137 ward no 9/10 Khasra No 176,178,179 H.No- 9,Plot no 179 6. Mauza - Sahauli, Block - Naugachiya, Khagra Khata No - 5 Thana No -120,Khasara no 132 7. Mauza - Mirachak, , Block -Jagdishpur,at - Zeromlle BGP•• Khata No - 30 & 318 Thana No -22 ,Khasara no 258& 411 1 Area :1800 sq.ft 2. 95.92 decimal 3. Area : 68.15 decimal 4. Area :98.5 decimal .5 Area : 3937 sq ft. 6 Area :16 Decimal 7 Area :4.13 Decimal L 15.09.1999 2. 06.02.2007, 06.05.2002, 26.11.1996 3 02.02.1994, 05.01.1194, 07.04.1193 4 Year 1989, and 1987 5 12.09.2007, 31.07.2001, 14.02.2014 6 27.11.2012, 10.11.2012 21.04.1995 Purchase cost - Rs. 3,94,000 /­ Rs. 2,50,000/­ Rs. 50,500/· Rs-250000 Rs -70525/­ Rs-242000 Rs- 25000
Total Area
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
3,30,00,000  3 Crore+

NilNilNilNil Rs 25,80,00,000
25 Crore+
iiiCommercial Buildings1 MG. Road 34 Katha 3 Dhur Khata no -297, Holding No-9/21 Plot no- 224 ( Situated on part of said land Building Hotel Under Construction 2. Thana -, Bihpur , N.H -31 Khat no - , 1339, Thana N - 59 Khesara no 3636 ( Situated Godown on part of said land for Krishi Kendra 3. Mauna - Jamunia , Block - Naugachiya, Khagra Khata No - 243 & 679 Khasra No - 2233 & 2207 Thana No -46, ( Situated on part of said land Vaitihav Highway Inn HOTEL Under Construction Area : 18942 sq.ft Area : 53.5 decimal Area : 67 Decimal 1 MG. Road 34 Katha 3 Dhur ( Situated on part of said land Building partnership firm Hotel Vaibhav 2. Thana -, Bihpur , N.H -31 ( Situated on part of said land Godown 3. Mauna - Jamunia , Block - ( Situated on part of said land Vaibhav Highway Purchase date 1. 06.09.1999, 05.06.2000, 11.08.1999, 10.11.1997 2. 03.11.1995 3. 05.02.2002 6. Year 1984 7. 12.09.2007, 31.07.2001, 14.02.2014 8. 27.11.2012, 10.11.2012 21.04,1995 Cost of purchase s. 22,69, 000/- Rs. 36000/-, Rs. 3,16,000/-, Rs — 9995 +39550 Rs— 2208000/-, Rs — 560000 Rs— 28500/- Investment - Hotel Vaibhav Land 1135955 value Building Rs. 53362838 /- (Partnership) As per Audit report 31.03.2019 Vaibhav Highway InnL & Godown Building at NH 31 Bihpur 8315972
Total Area
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
6,50,00,000  6 Crore+

1 MG. Road 2 Katha io Dhur Khata no - 297, Holding No•9/21 Plot no- 224 2. Baijani , Pista , Bau, Jagdishpur Khat no- , 5 & 74 Khesara no 336 & 67, 3. Tetri, Thana no - 39 Naugachiya Khata no 959& 1247, khesra no - 2001 4. Thana -59 , Bihpur , - N.H -31 Khat no- , 1339&717 Khesara no 3636&3635 1 Area : 1800 sq.ft 2. 95.92 decimal 3. Area : 68.15 decimal 4. Area : 98.5 decimal 1 MG. Road 34 Katha 3 dhur ( Situated on part of said land Building partnership firm Hotel Vaibhav Leased to Indian Oil Co. 1. 15.09.1999 2. 06.02.2007, 06.05.2002, 26.11.1996 3 02.02.1994, 05.01.1194, 07.04.1193 1987 8 12,09.2007, 31.07.2001, 14.02.2014 9 27.11.2012, 10.11.2012 21.04.1995 Cost of purchase - Rs. 3,94, 000 /-, Rs. 2,50,000/. Rs. 50,500/-, Rs — 250000 Rs — 70525/-, Rs — 242000 Rs- 25000 Hotel Vaibhav Rs. 8580228 /- (Partnership) As per Audit report 31.03.2019
Total Area
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
2,00,00,000  2 Crore+

NilNilNilNil Rs 8,50,00,000
8 Crore+
ivResidential Buildings1) S.S.Sahay Road, Bhagalpur Xhata no— 136 ward no 9/10 H_No- 9, Plot no - -179 5. Flat at Patna 2. A,N College Road, Ruchira Apartment
Total Area 4536 sq.ft. 680 sq.ft.
Built Up Area 4400 sq.ft.
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 1984-01-01
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
2,25,00,000  2 Crore+

1) S,S.Sahay Road, Bhagalpur Khata no— 12684137 ward no 9/10 Khasra No 176,178,179 H,No- 9, Plot no 179 2 . House at Delhi (GK-2) Year 1989 and 1987 Purchase cost 70525, 2500000
Total Area 1. Area : 3937 sq ft. 2. Banglow at Delhi
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
8,50,00,000  8 Crore+

S.S.Sahay Road Bhikhanpur Khata no 612 - Plot no- .....192 Area 1.653 decmal Khata no 858 -
Total Area Khata no 612-. Plot no- .192 Area 1.653 decmal Khata no 858 - Plot no- 187
Built Up Area Area 3. decmal
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
50,00,000  50 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 11,25,00,000
11 Crore+
vOthersGodown Rent
Total Area
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
33,333  33 Thou+

Bhart Marble
Total Area
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
50,000  50 Thou+

Rent from Indian Oil Corporation
Total Area
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
1,28,336  1 Lacs+

Rent from Delhi Flat
Total Area
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
35,000  35 Thou+

NilNilNilNil Rs 2,46,669
2 Lacs+
Total Current Market Value of (i) to (v) (as per Affidavit) 25,22,50,000  25 Crore+ 12,15,00,000  12 Crore+ 1,00,00,000  1 Crore+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 38,37,50,000
38 Crore+
Totals Calculated Rs 31,73,33,333
31 Crore+
Rs 14,16,63,336
14 Crore+
Rs 1,00,00,000
1 Crore+
Rs 46,89,96,669
46 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Immovable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Liabilities

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousehufdependent1dependent2dependent3
iLoans from Banks / FIsScorpio loan pbb branch
14,10,000  14 Lacs+

Canara bank loan Tank loan No 00xxxxx
14,74,105  14 Lacs+

Canara bank loan Winger van loan No 000xxxxx
4,80,426  4 Lacs+

Canara bank loan Property , No 00xxxxx
85,09,363  85 Lacs+

Canara bank loan Property No 00xxxxx
51,09,055  51 Lacs+

Scorpio Loan Tatarpur Canara bank
3,29,708  3 Lacs+

Canara bank loan CC256261010424
75,00,000  75 Lacs+

Allahabad bank CC-1
8,02,555  8 Lacs+

Scorpio Car loan Tatarpur branch
63,329  63 Thou+

Automatic Loan SBI 72317
8,03,864  8 Lacs+

SBI Tatarpur EDFS
40,00,000  40 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 3,04,82,405
3 Crore+
Loans due to Individual / Entityloan from relatives
33,60,000  33 Lacs+

Loan from Daughter Reetika FD Break amount
22,94,000  22 Lacs+

Loan from City Wings Co. ltd.
2,19,45,337  2 Crore+

Loan from Sriram Dealers Pvt ltd.
20,00,000  20 Lacs+

loan from relatives
16,23,455  16 Lacs+

Loan from Sriram Dealers Pvt ltd.
5,00,000  5 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 3,17,22,792
3 Crore+
Any other LiabilityNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Grand Total of Liabilities (as per affidavit) 5,52,14,854  5 Crore+ 64,62,296  64 Lacs+ Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 6,16,77,150
6 Crore+
iiDues to departments dealing with government accommodationNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with supply of waterNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with supply of electricityNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with telephonesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with supply of transportNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Income Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Wealth Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Service Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Property Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Sales Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
GST DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Any Other DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
iiiGrand Total of all Govt Dues (as per affidavit) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
ivWhether any other liabilities are in dispute, if so, mention the amount involved and the authority before which it is pendingNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 5,52,14,549
5 Crore+
Rs 69,90,648
69 Lacs+
Rs 6,22,05,197
6 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Liabilities :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Profession or Occupation

Self Business and Political MLA , Social Worker
Spouse Business and Social Worker

Sources Of Income (Details)

Self Business, Site Rent and MLA Salary
Spouse Business and Site Rent
Dependent NA

Contracts with appropriate Govt. and any public company/companies

Details of contracts entered by the candidate Nil
Details of contracts entered into by spouse Nil
Details of contracts entered into by dependent Nil
Details of contracts entered into by Hindu undivided family or trust in which the candidate or spouse or dependents have interest Nil
Details of contracts entered into by Partnership Firms in which the candidate or spouse or dependents are partners Hotel Vaibhav
Details of contracts entered into by Private Companies in which candidate or spouse or dependents have share City wings Suppliers Pvt ltd.

If you notice any discrepancy between affidavits and our data, you can use the message box below to send a message to us.

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Disclaimer: All information on this website has been taken by ADR from the website of the Election Commission of India ( and all the information is available in public domain. ADR does not add or subtract any information, unless the EC changes the data. In particular, no unverified information from any other source is used. While all efforts have been made by ADR to ensure that the information is in keeping with what is available in the ECI website, in case of discrepancy between information provided by ADR through this report, anyone and that given in the ECI website, the information available on the ECI website should be treated as correct and Association for Democratic Reforms and their volunteers are not responsible or liable for any direct, indirect special, or consequential damages, claims, demands, losses of any kind whatsoever, made, claimed, incurred or suffered by any party arising under or relating to the usage of data provided by ADR through this report. It is to be noted that ADR undertakes great care and adopts utmost due diligence in analysing and dissemination of the background information of the candidates furnished by them at the time of elections from the duly self-sworn affidavits submitted with the Election Commission of India. Such information is only aimed at highlighting the growing criminality in politics, increased misuse of money in elections so as to facilitate a system of transparency, accountability and good governance and to enable voters to form an informed choice. Therefore, it is expected that anyone using this report shall undertake due care and utmost precaution while using the data provided by ADR. ADR is not responsible for any mishandling, discrepancy, inability to understand, misinterpretation or manipulation, distortion of the data in such a way so as to benefit or target a particular political party or politician or candidate.

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