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S/o|D/o|W/o: Kapu Chinna Thimmappa
Age: 56
Name Enrolled as Voter in: 148-Rayadurg (Andhra Pradesh) constituency, at Serial no 732 in Part no 192

Self Profession:Advocate And Business
Spouse Profession:Business Agriculture

Other Elections
Declaration inDeclared AssetsDeclared Cases
Andhra Pradesh 2014Rs7,11,45,140
~7 Crore+
Andhra Pradesh Bye Election Rs8,51,56,253
~8 Crore+
Andhra Pradesh 2009Rs4,75,67,655
~4 Crore+
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Number of Criminal Cases: 6

Assets & Liabilities

Assets: Rs 17,09,07,347 ~17 Crore+
Liabilities: Rs 6,02,24,564 ~6 Crore+

Educational Details

Category: Post Graduate
M.Com. From Karnataka University, Year-1991, M.L.I.Sc. From Gulbarga University, Year-1991 & LLB (Spl) From Gulbarga University, Year-1994

Details of PAN and status of Income Tax return

Relation TypePAN GivenFinancial YearTotal Income Shown in ITR
selfY2017 - 20182017 - 2018 ** Rs 17,00,330 ~ 17 Lacs+
2016 - 2017 ** Rs 11,58,650 ~ 11 Lacs+
2015 - 2016 ** Rs 31,87,930 ~ 31 Lacs+
2014 - 2015 ** Rs 37,66,160 ~ 37 Lacs+
2013 - 2014 ** Rs 17,70,040 ~ 17 Lacs+
spouseY2017 - 20182017 - 2018 ** Rs 3,18,960 ~ 3 Lacs+
2016 - 2017 ** Rs 3,08,870 ~ 3 Lacs+
2015 - 2016 ** Rs 12,95,960 ~ 12 Lacs+
2014 - 2015 ** Rs 11,50,870 ~ 11 Lacs+
2013 - 2014 ** Rs 2,95,390 ~ 2 Lacs+
huf ** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
dependent1 ** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
dependent2 ** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
dependent3 ** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
** Nil
Data Readability Report of PAN and Income Tax :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Criminal Cases

Brief Details of IPC / BNS

Cases where Pending

Serial No.FIR No.Case No.CourtIPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable Charges Framed Date on which charges were framedAppeal FiledDetails and present status of appeal
1 235/2018, dated-28/12/2018, Rayadurg Police Station, Ananthapuramu Dist., A.P. Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Rayadurg 452, 427, 365, 341, 323, 384, 506, 34 No Yes Stayed by the High Court of Andhra Pradesh in Criminal Petition No.26/2019
2 60/2016, dated-06/09/2016, Bommanahal Police Station, Ananthapuramu Dist., A.P. C.C.No.90/2017 Judicial First Class Magistrate Court, Rayadurg341, 506 Yes 04 Jul 2018No
3 98/2014, dated-20/03/2014, Bellary Rural Police Station, Bellary Karnataka State C.C.No.631/2015 III ADL. Civil Judge and JMFC Court, Bellary171E, 188 Sec.123(1) R P Act No Yes Stayed by the High Court of Karnataka, Darwad Bench in Criminal Petition No.101613/2015
4 88/2014, dated-20/03/2014, Brucepet Police Station, Bellary, Karnataka State C.C.No.750/2014 I ADl. Civil Judge and JMFC Court, Bellary171E, 188 No Yes Stayed by the High Court of Karnataka, Darwad Bench in Criminal Petition No.101614/2015
5 118/2006, Toranagallu Police Station, Bellary District, Karnataka State C.C.No.569/2008 is Closed and renumbered as C.C.No.494/2012 Civil Judge and JMFC Court, Sandur143, 147, 148, 434, 506, 149 No Yes In Crl.Rev. Petition No.86/13 on the file of the Honorable 1st Addl. Sessions Court, Bellary, Govt. of Karnataka has issued orders for withdrawal of the case

Cases where Convicted

Serial No.Case No.CourtIPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable Punishment ImposedDate on which convictedAppeal FiledDetails and present status of appeal
1 S.T.C.No.126/2019 Special Judicial Second Class Magistrate Railways, Dharmavaram Sec.147 of Railways Act Court imposed fine of Rs.150/- only15 Feb 2019No

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Criminal Cases :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Movable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousehufdependent1dependent2dependent3
iCash 34,420  34 Thou+

84,114  84 Thou+

NilNilNilNil Rs 1,18,534
1 Lacs+
iiDeposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial CompaniesAxis Bank Ac.267010100002394
1,38,580  1 Lacs+

SBH Ac.62098640468
3,60,119  3 Lacs+

SBI Bank Ac.31056404179
7,81,201  7 Lacs+

Andhra Bank Ac.048710100008984
51,291  51 Thou+

HDFC BankAc.20251930000461
2,25,433  2 Lacs+

Varadhaviayaka Credit Sahakara Bank Ac.0001269
40,740  40 Thou+

Siddhasiri Pattina Sevada Ac.300116
16,600  16 Thou+

Syndicate Bank Ac.0641220000726
2,44,804  2 Lacs+

Bellary Vakilara Sawharda Pathina
30,000  30 Thou+

Corporation Bank Ac.520401000295442
2,00,000  2 Lacs+

Andhra Bank Ac.028510027000418
70,025  70 Thou+

Andhra Bank Ac.048710025901073
19,847  19 Thou+

HDFC Bank Ac.50100019196026
3,42,851  3 Lacs+

Siddhasiri Pattina Sevada Ac.300181
16,600  16 Thou+

Varadhaviayaka Credit Sahakara Bank Ac.0000369
3,000  3 Thou+

HDFC Bank Ac.50300312167978
5,000  5 Thou+

Corporation Bank Ac.520101260097467
5,000  5 Thou+

NilNilNilNil Rs 25,51,091
25 Lacs+
iiiBonds, Debentures and Shares in companiesLekhya Motors Pvt Ltd
52,00,000  52 Lacs+

Bellary Steel Equity Shares
9,550  9 Thou+

1,20,281  1 Lacs+

Kingfisher Airlines Ltd
5,00,050  5 Lacs+

LIC Housing Finance Ltd
2,820  2 Thou+

Reliance Power Share
25,875  25 Thou+

Mutual Fund Kotak Securities
1,33,735  1 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 59,92,311
59 Lacs+
NSS, Postal Savings etc
NilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
LIC or other insurance Policies
NilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
vPersonal loans/advance given Bharathi Agencics
17,00,000  17 Lacs+

Bharathi Trading
50,00,000  50 Lacs+

B Malikarjuna
51,20,000  51 Lacs+

Chandra Shekhar
5,00,000  5 Lacs+

G Jwalitha Lekhya Reddy
35,00,000  35 Lacs+

J Praveen Reddy
10,28,856  10 Lacs+

Kaizen Export
66,02,063  66 Lacs+

K Gopal Reddy
3,00,000  3 Lacs+

M Umamaheswar Reddy
4,00,000  4 Lacs+

P H Bharathi
1,86,66,533  1 Crore+

R Yogeshwara Reddy Gowni
8,50,000  8 Lacs+

S Govinda Rajalu Sudhakar Infra
6,00,000  6 Lacs+

Sudhakar Infra Strucher
6,00,000  6 Lacs+

DNR Construction
9,00,000  9 Lacs+

Gurunath Reddy
8,00,000  8 Lacs+

J Praveen Reddy
29,08,290  29 Lacs+

3,00,000  3 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 4,97,75,742
4 Crore+
viMotor Vehicles (details of make, etc.)Wagon R-2004 VXI No.KA 34 MD 3555
34,372  34 Thou+

Bolero Car No.AP02 AE 6888
1,65,780  1 Lacs+

Mahindra Scorpio No.KA34 N 4111
6,58,037  6 Lacs+

NilNilNilNilNil Rs 8,58,189
8 Lacs+
viiJewellery (give details weight value)Gold 985 G
33,02,705  33 Lacs+

Silver 20 KG
8,31,300  8 Lacs+

Gold 1351 G
45,28,552  45 Lacs+

Silver 5975KG
2,48,351  2 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 89,10,908
89 Lacs+
viiiOther assets, such as values of claims / interestsIT Refund Reccivable
10,56,757  10 Lacs+

Advance Tax Fy
2,00,000  2 Lacs+

Investment Quarry Business
1,35,39,533  1 Crore+

Bharathi Minerals
18,070  18 Thou+

Pension Receivable
30,000  30 Thou+

It Refund
27,057  27 Thou+

Bharathi Agencies
9,76,648  9 Lacs+

Bharthi Minerals & Trading Co.
87,06,664  87 Lacs+

4,38,801  4 Lacs+

Other Assets
28,325  28 Thou+

1,79,304  1 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 2,52,01,159
2 Crore+
Gross Total Value (as per Affidavit) 7,23,47,475  7 Crore+ 2,14,96,172  2 Crore+ Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 9,38,43,647
9 Crore+
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 7,20,27,194
7 Crore+
Rs 2,13,80,740
2 Crore+
Rs 9,34,07,934
9 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Movable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Immovable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousehufdependent1dependent2dependent3
iAgricultural LandD-Hirehal Ananthpur, S.No.16
Total Area 5.00 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2000-08-30
Purchase Cost 28021.00
Development Cost 0.00
15,00,000  15 Lacs+

Sreedharagadde Ballari, S.No.48B, 49 & 50A
Total Area 4.17 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2005-08-20
Purchase Cost 386060.00
Development Cost 0.00
14,60,000  14 Lacs+

Dubbacherla Village R R Dist, S.No.128/1/A/1
Total Area 1.00 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2007-02-01
Purchase Cost 980100.00
Development Cost 0.00
10,34,000  10 Lacs+

Gollapalli Village Ananthpuram, S.No.220
Total Area 0.25 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2013-07-06
Purchase Cost 25000.00
Development Cost 0.00
22,500  22 Thou+

Nagalapuram (Anantpuram), S.No.473-b
Total Area 5.72 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2006-02-02
Purchase Cost 156190.00
Development Cost 0.00
6,86,400  6 Lacs+

M Gonechal (Ballari), S.No.174c/1a
Total Area 0.90 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2004-06-07
Purchase Cost 34980.00
Development Cost 0.00
2,00,000  2 Lacs+

M Gonehal (Ballari), S.No.174/c/1a
Total Area 01.21 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2004-03-29
Purchase Cost 47230.00
Development Cost 0.00
2,35,000  2 Lacs+

D Hirehal (Anantpuram), S.No.15 & 16
Total Area 8.28 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2000-08-30
Purchase Cost 44060.00
Development Cost 0.00
24,84,000  24 Lacs+

Obulapuram (Anantpuram), S.No.318e
Total Area 1.10 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2005-10-05
Purchase Cost 22490.00
Development Cost 0.00
2,75,000  2 Lacs+

Veniveerapura (Billari), S.No.250a
Total Area 8.69 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2017-04-27
Purchase Cost 3476000.00
Development Cost 0.00
1,67,25,000  1 Crore+

Veniveerapura (Ballari), S.No.250/b/1 & 254/1/d
Total Area 4.37 Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2018-06-04
Purchase Cost 2300000.00
Development Cost 0.00
84,10,000  84 Lacs+

Veniveerapura (Ballari), S.No.250B/2 & 354/2/b
Total Area 6.78 Acres
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2018-06-04
Purchase Cost 3600000.00
Development Cost 0.00
1,30,50,000  1 Crore+

NilNilNilNil Rs 4,60,81,900
4 Crore+
iiNon Agricultural LandHavambhavi Bellary
Total Area 8715 Sq.ft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2006-02-15
Purchase Cost 505200.00
Development Cost 0.00
40,50,000  40 Lacs+

GHMC Kukatpally Circle Balanagar Mandal R R Dist, S.No.52 & 54
Total Area 2880 Sq.ft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2008-03-12
Purchase Cost 2312740.00
Development Cost 0.00
25,13,000  25 Lacs+

W No.35 Havambhavi Bellary
Total Area 2275 Sq.ft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2015-05-06
Purchase Cost 100000.00
Development Cost 0.00
10,58,000  10 Lacs+

W No.35 Havambhavi Bellary
Total Area 2275 Sqft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2007-11-13
Purchase Cost 231360.00
Development Cost 0.00
10,58,000  10 Lacs+

Vinayaka Nagar Bellary
Total Area 2000 Sq
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2005-04-22
Purchase Cost 110140.00
Development Cost 2000.00
11,16,000  11 Lacs+

Netaji Nagar Bellary
Total Area 368 Sq
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2000-05-17
Purchase Cost 83250.00
Development Cost 0.00
2,20,000  2 Lacs+

Netaji Nagar Bellary
Total Area 368 Sq
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2000-05-17
Purchase Cost 72250.00
Development Cost 0.00
2,20,000  2 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 1,02,35,000
1 Crore+
iiiCommercial BuildingsSri Lal Bahaddur Shastri Commercial Complex Ballari
Total Area 157.50 Sq
Built Up Area 157.50 Sq
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2008-08-13
Purchase Cost 254800.00
Development Cost 0.00
7,50,000  7 Lacs+

Sri Lal Bahaddur Shastri Commercial Complex Ballari
Total Area 157.50 Sq
Built Up Area 157.50 Sq
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2006-08-31
Purchase Cost 251350.00
Development Cost 0.00
7,50,000  7 Lacs+

Sri Lal Bahaddur Shastri Commercial Complex Ballari
Total Area 157.50 Sq
Built Up Area 157.50 Sq
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2005-09-30
Purchase Cost 316450.00
Development Cost 0.00
7,50,000  7 Lacs+

Sri Lal Bahaddur Shastri Commercial Complex Ballar
Total Area 157.50 Sqft
Built Up Area 157.50 Sqft
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2006-08-28
Purchase Cost 256770.00
Development Cost 0.00
7,50,000  7 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 30,00,000
30 Lacs+
ivResidential BuildingsHouse At Laxmi Bazer Rayadurg
Total Area 2880 Sq.ft
Built Up Area 2880 Sq.ft
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2007-10-16
Purchase Cost 585105.00
Development Cost 0.00
36,92,800  36 Lacs+

Kuvempu Nagar Ballari
Total Area 581.25 Sq
Built Up Area 581.25 Sq
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2005-12-31
Purchase Cost 181630.00
Development Cost 0.00
4,00,000  4 Lacs+

Kuvempu Nagar Ballari
Total Area 581.25 Sq
Built Up Area 581.25 Sq
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2005-12-31
Purchase Cost 181630.00
Development Cost 0.00
4,00,000  4 Lacs+

House At Laxmi Bazer Rayadurg, S.No.225 D.No.10-1-32
Total Area 825 Sqft
Built Up Area 825 Sq.Ft.
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2007-10-16
Purchase Cost 131965.00
Development Cost 0.00
10,57,000  10 Lacs+

Bellary Division
Total Area 2487 Sqft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2006-05-22
Purchase Cost 182020.00
Development Cost 0.00
90,64,000  90 Lacs+

W No.35 Havambavi Ashok Nagar Bellary
Total Area 2275 Sqft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2010-01-28
Purchase Cost 1454430.00
Development Cost 0.00
16,78,000  16 Lacs+

Kurahatti Ballari
Total Area 819.75 Sqft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 1997-11-12
Purchase Cost 113530.00
Development Cost 0.00
14,55,000  14 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 1,77,46,800
1 Crore+
vOthersNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Total Current Market Value of (i) to (v) (as per Affidavit) 1,83,80,300  1 Crore+ 5,86,83,400  5 Crore+ Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 7,70,63,700
7 Crore+
Totals Calculated Rs 1,83,80,300
1 Crore+
Rs 5,86,83,400
5 Crore+
Rs 7,70,63,700
7 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Immovable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Liabilities

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousehufdependent1dependent2dependent3
iLoans from Banks / FIsAndhra Bank Crop Loan No 04871310008xxxxx
1,12,017  1 Lacs+

HDFC Bank Vehicle Loan Ac.3706862
3,17,888  3 Lacs+

Syndicate Bank Vehicle Loan Ac.6419790000209
3,282  3 Thou+

Syndicate Bank Vehicle Loan Ac.064183000012
40,36,436  40 Lacs+

Varadavinayaka Credit Loan Ac.No 00xxxxx
19,81,149  19 Lacs+

Syndicate Bank Loan Ac.06411400000031
43,75,694  43 Lacs+

Andhra Bank Loan No 04871310008xxxxx
1,12,294  1 Lacs+

Varadavinayaka Loan Ac.No 00xxxxx
19,81,149  19 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 1,29,19,909
1 Crore+
Loans due to Individual / EntityB.Sreelath
20,00,000  20 Lacs+

B.V Sreenivas Reddy
7,00,000  7 Lacs+

C Kumar Reddy
5,00,000  5 Lacs+

Gali Somasekar Reddy
30,00,000  30 Lacs+

Gurunath Reddy
8,00,000  8 Lacs+

G Veerashekhar Reddy
10,00,000  10 Lacs+

H Maillikarjuna Raidurga
90,000  90 Thou+

Jagdesh KM
4,00,000  4 Lacs+

J Sravanthi Niveditha Reddy
15,65,000  15 Lacs+

50,000  50 Thou+

Lekhya Motors Pvt.Ltd Loan
1,42,20,872  1 Crore+

3,00,000  3 Lacs+

2,00,000  2 Lacs+

Shiva Raj
7,00,000  7 Lacs+

THimmana Gouda
4,20,873  4 Lacs+

Upendra Reddy
5,00,000  5 Lacs+

K Ramachandra Reddy
1,86,66,533  1 Crore+

Lekhya Motors
10,00,000  10 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 4,61,13,278
4 Crore+
Any other LiabilityNilBharti Tranding
11,91,377  11 Lacs+

NilNilNilNil Rs 11,91,377
11 Lacs+
Grand Total of Liabilities (as per affidavit) 3,72,73,211  3 Crore+ 2,29,51,353  2 Crore+ Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 6,02,24,564
6 Crore+
iiDues to departments dealing with government accommodationNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with supply of waterNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with supply of electricityNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with telephonesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with supply of transportNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Income Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Wealth Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Service Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Property Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Sales Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
GST DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Any Other DuesNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
iiiGrand Total of all Govt Dues (as per affidavit)   Nil Nil Nil Nil Rs 0
ivWhether any other liabilities are in dispute, if so, mention the amount involved and the authority before which it is pendingNilNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 3,72,73,211
3 Crore+
Rs 2,29,51,353
2 Crore+
Rs 6,02,24,564
6 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Liabilities :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Profession or Occupation

Self Advocate And Business
Spouse Business Agriculture

Sources Of Income (Details)

Self Advocate And Business
Spouse Business Agriculture
Dependent Nil

Contracts with appropriate Govt. and any public company/companies

Details of contracts entered by the candidate Nil
Details of contracts entered into by spouse NIl
Details of contracts entered into by dependent NA
Details of contracts entered into by Hindu undivided family or trust in which the candidate or spouse or dependents have interest NA
Details of contracts entered into by Partnership Firms in which the candidate or spouse or dependents are partners Nil
Details of contracts entered into by Private Companies in which candidate or spouse or dependents have share Nil

Disclaimer: The primary source for the data used for these reports is the sworn affidavits provided by the candidates themselves. Sheer volume of data that has to be read from the affidavits that are often poorly scanned and the lightening speed at which these reports have to be brought out makes it quite difficult to ensure accuracy of every bit of data. In case of any discrepancy in our reports vis a vis the original affidavit of any candidate, the original affidavit should be considered accurate. If you notice any discrepancies between affidavit and our report kindly let us know and we will fix them on our end as soon as possible.