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HomeGujarat 2022ANAND

Gujarat 2022

Election Summary

Total number of constituencies analyzed 182
Total candidates analyzed by NEW 1585
Candidates with declared criminal cases 326(21%)
Candidates with declared serious criminal cases 190(12%)
Crorepati candidates 450(28%)
Candidates who are graduate or above 440 (28%)
Candidates who have not declared PAN 71 (4%)
Total women candidates 136 (9%)
Total winners analyzed by NEW 182
Winners with declared criminal cases 40 (22%)
Winners with declared serious criminal cases 29 (16%)
Crorepati winners 151 (83%)
Winners who are graduate or above 84 (46%)
Winners who have not declared PAN 0 (0%)
Total women winners 15 (8%)

List of Candidates (ANAND)

Sno .CandidatePartyCriminal CasesEducationAgeTotal AssetsLiabilities
1 Ahir Ankurbhai KanubhaiBSP110th Pass28Rs 20,000
~ 20 Thou+
Rs 0
2 Alpeshkumar Jayantibhai Makwana (Appu)BSP012th Pass27Rs 15,562
~ 15 Thou+
Rs 0
3 Amarsinh Ramsinh ZalaIND2Graduate Professional50
4 Ambaliya Ranjitbhai KehubhaiIND012th Pass39Rs 56,41,000
~ 56 Lacs+
Rs 0
5 Amit ChavdaINC0Others46Rs 2,42,23,978
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 15,43,928
~ 15 Lacs+
6 Amrishbhai Hemendrabhai Patel(Thamna)AAP110th Pass60
7 Arjunbhai Sidhabhai BharwadAAP05th Pass35Rs 41,31,471
~ 41 Lacs+
Rs 45,93,841
~ 45 Lacs+
8 Arunkumar Kabhaibhai GohilAAP0Others27Rs 24,01,000
~ 24 Lacs+
Rs 28,567
~ 28 Thou+
10 Baldevsinh Udesinh ParmarIND0Post Graduate58Rs 1,10,03,312
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 18,79,595
~ 18 Lacs+
11 Bhailalbhai Kalubhai PandavBSP010th Pass40Rs 18,30,000
~ 18 Lacs+
Rs 0
12 Bhoi Ashishkumar ThakorbhaiIND1Graduate27
13 Bipinbhai Manilal BhetasiyaBSP012th Pass43Rs 7,11,150
~ 7 Lacs+
Rs 0
14 Chauhan Mahipatsinh KesarisinhIND3Graduate36Rs 40,52,100
~ 40 Lacs+
Rs 15,000
~ 15 Thou+
15 Chiragkumar Arvindbhai PatelINC010th Pass43
16 Darji Ghanshyambhai NatvarbhaiIND0Literate50Rs 6,00,000
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 0
17 Dave Jatinkumar DineshchandraIND1Others56Rs 20,30,000
~ 20 Lacs+
Rs 5,59,345
~ 5 Lacs+
19 Dr. Prakash Budhabhai ParmarINC0Graduate Professional39Rs 3,13,28,210
~ 3 Crore+
Rs 1,29,26,547
~ 1 Crore+
20 Gajendrasinh Harisinh RajAAP012th Pass58Rs 40,44,620
~ 40 Lacs+
Rs 27,77,336
~ 27 Lacs+
21 Gohil Yuvrajsinh MahipatsinhIND012th Pass26
22 Govindbhai Raijibhai ParmarBJP35th Pass79Rs 2,29,68,947
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 31,55,554
~ 31 Lacs+
23 Gulabsinh Ratansinh PadhiyarBJP0Graduate53Rs 27,39,156
~ 27 Lacs+
Rs 0
24 Harshadbhai Ishvarbhai GohelBSP012th Pass37
25 Harshitkumar Ghanshyambhai Patel (Bhurabhai)IND0Graduate26Rs 17,50,552
~ 17 Lacs+
Rs 2,00,000
~ 2 Lacs+
26 Hidayatullakhan Fakirmahamadkhan PathanIND010th Pass38Rs 95,000
~ 95 Thou+
Rs 45,000
~ 45 Thou+
28 Jankiben Dineshbhai PatelIND0Graduate40Rs 92,72,500
~ 92 Lacs+
Rs 0
29 Javedbhai Rajakbhai VahoraIND08th Pass37Rs 7,93,011
~ 7 Lacs+
Rs 3,00,000
~ 3 Lacs+
30 Jayant Patel(Boskey)NCP012th Pass62
31 Kamleshbhai Rameshbhai PatelBJP0Post Graduate52Rs 1,87,22,728
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
32 Kantibhai Sodha Parmar (Bhagat)INC012th Pass61Rs 3,98,44,484
~ 3 Crore+
Rs 12,56,322
~ 12 Lacs+
33 Keyur Pravinbhai PatelIND012th Pass42
34 Maheshkumar Kanaiyalal Raval (Mayur Raval)BJP010th Pass57Rs 2,59,23,483
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 17,14,866
~ 17 Lacs+
35 Manubhai Jethabhai VankarIND012th Pass42Rs 8,97,869
~ 8 Lacs+
Rs 13,720
~ 13 Thou+
37 Maulik Vinubhai ShahBharatiya National Janta Dal010th Pass42Rs 2,34,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
38 Mukeshbhai Ranchhodbhai JadavaBSP012th Pass33Rs 93,000
~ 93 Thou+
Rs 40,000
~ 40 Thou+
39 Najimkhan Fakirmahmnad PathanIND010th Pass35
40 Parmar Kesharisinh BharatsinhIND012th Pass52Rs 6,05,000
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 6,50,000
~ 6 Lacs+
41 Parmar Pratimaben ShaileshbhaiIND010th Pass59Rs 1,30,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
42 Parmar Rajendrasinh DhirsinhINC010th Pass54
43 Patel Dipenkumar NiranjanbhaiIND0Graduate36Rs 7,00,000
~ 7 Lacs+
Rs 5,00,000
~ 5 Lacs+
44 Patel Krunalkumar JasvantbhaiRashtriya Hind Ekta Dal010th Pass39Rs 40,000
~ 40 Thou+
Rs 0
46 Patel Ronitkumar AshokbhaiPachchasi Parivartan Samaj Party012th Pass30Rs 2,17,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
47 Patel Vipulkumar VinubhaiBJP012th Pass53Rs 2,30,44,667
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 0
48 Pathan Riyajkhan AkbarkhanIND3Literate54
49 Poonambhai Madhabhai ParmarINC110th Pass60Rs 2,04,56,650
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 19,12,531
~ 19 Lacs+
50 Raj Ajitsinh ChandrasinhIND0Graduate39Rs 87,500
~ 87 Thou+
Rs 0
51 Raj Yusufbhai Abhesang (Garasiya)Rashtriya Hind Ekta Dal08th Pass57
52 Sadru U. BelimIND010th Pass53Rs 37,40,000
~ 37 Lacs+
Rs 0
53 Sarfaraj Husenkhan PathanIND08th Pass37Rs 1,69,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 1,10,033
~ 1 Lacs+
55 Shah Yatrikbhai HarishbhaiRashtriya Hind Ekta Dal212th Pass39Rs 21,61,422
~ 21 Lacs+
Rs 20,18,000
~ 20 Lacs+
56 Sindha Rajendrasinh Mahobatsinh (Bapu)IND010th Pass44Rs 34,25,500
~ 34 Lacs+
Rs 10,00,000
~ 10 Lacs+
57 Solanki Ramanbhai BhikhabhaiBJP010th Pass57
58 Sureshbhai Ravjibhai ThakorLog Party08th Pass35Rs 2,67,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
59 Talpada Somabhai ZenabhaiRight to Recall Party05th Pass47Rs 10,28,100
~ 10 Lacs+
Rs 0
60 Thakor Sanjaykumar ViththalbhaiIND012th Pass41
61 Tofikmiya Fakrumiya MalekIND25th Pass42Rs 25,84,938
~ 25 Lacs+
Rs 21,61,282
~ 21 Lacs+
62 Tosifbhai Mustufabhai Vhora (Hafeji)IND05th Pass36Rs 18,15,544
~ 18 Lacs+
Rs 72,502
~ 72 Thou+
64 Vijaybhai Shantilal JadavIND012th Pass34Rs 5,00,000
~ 5 Lacs+
Rs 0
65 Vipulkumar A. ZalaLog Party110th Pass32Rs 6,75,000
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 0
66 Vipulkumar Bipinbhai MacwanIND1Graduate43
67 Vishnubhai Ratilal ChunaraIND05th Pass48Rs 8,83,000
~ 8 Lacs+
Rs 2,30,000
~ 2 Lacs+
68 Yogesh R. Patel (Bapji)BJP010th Pass57Rs 46,96,91,951
~ 46 Crore+
Rs 1,13,32,931
~ 1 Crore+
69 Zala Rameshbhai Ramabhai (Lalabhai)IND110th Pass48


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