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Akhilesh Prasad Singh (Winner)

S/o|D/o|W/o: Late Shri Sheo Prasad Singh
Age: 54
Name Enrolled as Voter in: 214-Arwal (Bihar) constituency, at Serial no 573 in Part no 179

Self Profession:Social Service
Spouse Profession:Social Service

Print Profile


Number of Criminal Cases: 1

Assets & Liabilities

Assets: Rs 43,31,39,977 ~43 Crore+
Liabilities: Nil

Educational Details

Category: Doctorate
Ph.D From Patna University

Details of PAN and status of Income Tax return

Relation TypePAN GivenFinancial YearTotal Income Shown in ITR
selfY2023 - 2024Rs 33,93,000 ~ 33 Lacs+
spouseY2023 - 2024Rs 15,10,000 ~ 15 Lacs+
dependent1NNoneRs 0 ~
dependent2NNoneRs 0 ~
dependent3NNoneRs 0 ~
Data Readability Report of PAN and Income Tax :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Criminal Cases

Brief Details of IPC / BNS

Cases where Cognizance taken

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
---------No Cases--------

Cases where convicted

Serial No.IPC Sections ApplicableOther Details / Other Acts / Sections Applicable
---------No Cases--------

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Criminal Cases :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Movable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iCash 90,630  90 Thou+

1,85,538  1 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 2,76,168
2 Lacs+
iiDeposits in Banks, Financial Institutions and Non-Banking Financial CompaniesState Bank of India, Patna, No 3077909xxxxx Senior Citizen A/c
29,307  29 Thou+

State Bank of India, Sansad Marg, Delhi, No 1002382xxxxx
1,38,55,378  1 Crore+

State Bank of India, Secretariat, Patna No 1083946xxxxx
6,21,428  6 Lacs+

Punjab National Bank, Shri Krishnapuri, Patna, No 91001010015xxxxx
15,60,960  15 Lacs+

HDFC, Sunder Nagar, Delhi, No 484193000xxxxx
4,63,691  4 Lacs+

SBI PF Patna No 3289152xxxxx
4,50,000  4 Lacs+

FDR With HDFC Bank Sunder Nagar Delhi
2,14,13,957  2 Crore+

HDFC Bank, Safdurjung, New Delhi, No 0032193001xxxxx
1,16,294  1 Lacs+

HDFC Boring Road, Patna, No 0235100002xxxxx
68,312  68 Thou+

HDFC Bank, Sunder Nagar, New Delhi, No 0484100001xxxxx
3,28,797  3 Lacs+

Indian Bank Patna No 2096533xxxxx
1,00,587  1 Lacs+

State Bank of India, Nizamuddin, New Delhi, No 3164687xxxxx
5,70,692  5 Lacs+

FD HDFC New Delhi
2,60,05,540  2 Crore+

NilNilNil Rs 6,55,84,943
6 Crore+
iiiBonds, Debentures and Shares in companiesNilShere In Akhivee Hotels Pvt Ltd for Rs
15,00,000  15 Lacs+

Shere in Patnership Firm (Corporate Edge)
16,52,664  16 Lacs+

Mutual Fund HDFC Life Super Income Plan
66,77,936  66 Lacs+

Mutual Fund HDFC SL Pro Growth Super II
10,00,000  10 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 1,08,30,600
1 Crore+
NSS, Postal Savings etc
NilSBI PPF No 3164687xxxxx
28,46,566  28 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 28,46,566
28 Lacs+
LIC or other insurance Policies
NilNilNilNilNil Nil
vPersonal loans/advance given Advance Given to (1)SRS Real Infrastruture
13,50,000  13 Lacs+

Loan & Advances Receivables From Debotors Aakash Kumar Singh
4,50,000  4 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 18,00,000
18 Lacs+
viMotor Vehicles (details of make, etc.)Second Hand BMW A4 BR01EM 0999
20,00,000  20 Lacs+

Thar Car Model 2022 DL5CE0001
15,50,000  15 Lacs+

Range Rover JH05 CM 6508
45,00,000  45 Lacs+

Toyota Fortuner BR33V 0001
34,00,000  34 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 1,14,50,000
1 Crore+
viiJewellery (give details weight value)495GM Gold
32,27,500  32 Lacs+

5.10kg silver
3,72,500  3 Lacs+

1.30kg Gold
83,92,000  83 Lacs+

10.2kg SILVER
7,60,000  7 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 1,27,52,000
1 Crore+
viiiOther assets, such as values of claims / interestsNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Gross Total Value (as per Affidavit) 4,54,35,351  4 Crore+ 6,01,04,626  6 Crore+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 10,55,39,977
10 Crore+
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Rs 4,54,35,351
4 Crore+
Rs 6,01,04,926
6 Crore+
Rs 10,55,40,277
10 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Movable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Immovable Assets

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iAgricultural Landvillage-Koel, Bhopat, Dist.Arwal, Survey No.77, 72,145, 110,116,16,36,44,85, 38,23,131,172,76,178,37,39,207, 70,75,69,126,36, 19, 49,177, 20, 173 (2)Mauza Mehandiya, Survey No.235,162, (3)Mauza Sakri Khurd, Survey No.52, (4)Kamta Mauza Survey No.233, 5 Mauza Sakharpur, S.No.90,112,113,Total 65.58Acre 1/9shere in Undivided Land
Total Area 7.18acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited Y
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
2,10,00,000  2 Crore+

1.Arwal District Bihar 2acre 35dec 1/2shere 4.69decimal Gift
Total Area
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
35,00,000  35 Lacs+

2. Ferraganj Tehsil South Andman Port Blair S.No 345
Total Area 2hec
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2007-08-01
Purchase Cost 2044015.00
Development Cost 0.00
7,10,00,000  7 Crore+

3.Village Koel Bhopat Dist Arwal S.No 77, 145, 172 Yes
Total Area 4.69Acre
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
1,38,00,000  1 Crore+

NilNilNil Rs 10,93,00,000
10 Crore+
iiNon Agricultural LandAkhilesh Path, Chandmari Road, Patna
Total Area 1.25katha
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited Y
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
75,00,000  75 Lacs+

Mehandia Bazar, District Arwal
Total Area 3decimal
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited Y
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 100000.00
8,00,000  8 Lacs+

Faridabad, Haryana
Total Area 5000sqyd
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2005-07-08
Purchase Cost 789933.00
Development Cost 0.00
4,25,00,000  4 Crore+

Plot No 1 Niti Bagh Jagdeo Path Patna
Total Area 3.25katha
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 1991-11-19
Purchase Cost 1000000.00
Development Cost 0.00
1,40,00,000  1 Crore+

Transport Nagar Patna
Total Area 1960sqft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited Y
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 0.00
Development Cost 0.00
70,00,000  70 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 7,18,00,000
7 Crore+
iiiCommercial BuildingsNilProperty No.B-15, Anant Ram Dairy, Sector 13, R.K. Puram, New Delhi
Total Area 520sqyd
Built Up Area 500sqyd
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2009-09-01
Purchase Cost 4045250.00
Development Cost 900000.00
3,80,00,000  3 Crore+

NilNilNil Rs 3,80,00,000
3 Crore+
ivResidential BuildingsC-180, Defecne Colony, New Delhi
Total Area 397sqyd
Built Up Area 380sqyd
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2005-07-25
Purchase Cost 4320000.00
Development Cost 8000000.00
6,25,00,000  6 Crore+

Plot No 28/1 Patliputra Coopperative House Cons.Soci.Ltd Patna
Total Area 6649sqft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2006-03-22
Purchase Cost 2395938.00
Development Cost 1000000.00
1,95,00,000  1 Crore+

Plot No 28/2 Patliputra Cop.House cons.Soci.Ltd Patna
Total Area 6649sqft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 2005-07-21
Purchase Cost 2308500.00
Development Cost 500000.00
1,85,00,000  1 Crore+

Plot No 28/3 Patliputra C.Hous Con.S.Ltd Patna Gift
Total Area 1750sqft
Built Up Area
Whether Inherited N
Purchase Date 0000-00-00
Purchase Cost 1000000.00
Development Cost 0.00
80,00,000  80 Lacs+

NilNilNil Rs 10,85,00,000
10 Crore+
vOthersNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Total Current Market Value of (i) to (v) (as per Affidavit) 13,43,00,000  13 Crore+ 19,33,00,000  19 Crore+ Nil Nil Nil Rs 32,76,00,000
32 Crore+
Totals Calculated Rs 13,43,00,000
13 Crore+
Rs 19,33,00,000
19 Crore+
Rs 32,76,00,000
32 Crore+

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Immovable Assets :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Details of Liabilities

Sr NoDescriptionselfspousedependent1dependent2dependent3
iLoans from Banks / FIsNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Loans due to Individual / EntityNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Any other LiabilityNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Grand Total of Liabilities (as per affidavit) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
iiDues to departments dealing with government accommodationNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with supply of waterNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with supply of electricityNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with telephonesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Dues to departments dealing with supply of transportNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Income Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Wealth Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Service Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Property Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Sales Tax DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Any Other DuesNilNilNilNilNil Nil
iiiGrand Total of all Govt Dues (as per affidavit) Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil
ivWhether any other liabilities are in dispute, if so, mention the amount involved and the authority before which it is pendingNilNilNilNilNil Nil
Totals (Calculated as Sum of Values) Nil

Disclaimer: This information is an archive of the candidate's self-declared affidavit that was filed during the elections. The current status of this information may be different. For the latest available information, please refer to the affidavit filed by the candidate to the Election Commission in the most recent election.

Data Readability Report of Liabilities :No Problems in Reading Affidavit Information

Disclaimer: The primary source for the data used for these reports is the sworn affidavits provided by the candidates themselves. Sheer volume of data that has to be read from the affidavits that are often poorly scanned and the lightening speed at which these reports have to be brought out makes it quite difficult to ensure accuracy of every bit of data. In case of any discrepancy in our reports vis a vis the original affidavit of any candidate, the original affidavit should be considered accurate. If you notice any discrepancies between affidavit and our report kindly let us know and we will fix them on our end as soon as possible.