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Income-Expenditure Statement Financial Year : 2012-13


Nationalist Congress Party (NCP)

Financial Year : 2012-13

Type : State Party
State in which Registered: New Delhi
Address : 10, Bishambhar Das Marg, New Delhi-110001.
All Years Summary

Balance Sheet

Fixed AssetsRs. 1,154.54 Lacs
InvestmentsRs. 266.57 Lacs
Loans & AdvanceRs. 22.19 Lacs
DebtorsRs. 6.00 Lacs
Cash & Bank BalanceRs. 153.12 Lacs
Total Assets Rs. 1,602.43 Lacs
Reserve FundRs. 1,075.67 Lacs
Sundry CreditorsRs. 512.50 Lacs
TDS PayableRs. 14.25 Lacs
Total Liabilities Rs. 1,602.43 Lacs

Sale of Forms & Purse MoneyRs. 2,130.14 Lacs
Membership & SubscriptionsRs. 103.27 Lacs
Monthly Subscription feeRs. 12.56 Lacs
Contribution/Donation ReceivedRs. 5.32 Lacs
Ticket Application FormRs. 0.15 Lacs
InterestRs. 18.31 Lacs
Insurance RefundRs. 0.12 Lacs
Miscelleneous ReceiptsRs. 3.86 Lacs
Coupen ReceiptsRs. 376.23 Lacs
Interest on FDRsRs. 6.69 Lacs
Total Income Rs. 2,656.67 Lacs
Election ExpensesRs. 45.67 Lacs
NCP ContributionRs. 1.19 Lacs
Salary & BonusRs. 86.41 Lacs
Staff WelfareRs. 23.50 Lacs
Medical ExpensesRs. 2.72 Lacs
Professional FeesRs. 2.41 Lacs
Bank ChargesRs. 0.48 Lacs
Books & PeriodicalsRs. 22.60 Lacs
ConveyanceRs. 19.83 Lacs
Donation & Welfare ExpensesRs. 40.05 Lacs
Electricity ExpensesRs. 16.86 Lacs
General office ExpensesRs. 47.25 Lacs
InsuranceRs. 15.20 Lacs
Motor Car FuelRs. 21.12 Lacs
Motor Car RepairsRs. 15.86 Lacs
Photograph ExpenseRs. 4.07 Lacs
Postage & CourierRs. 15.57 Lacs
Printing & StationeryRs. 53.38 Lacs
Decoration ExpenseRs. 2.31 Lacs
Miscelleneous ExpenseRs. 2.66 Lacs
RentRs. 5.83 Lacs
Repair & MaintenanceRs. 31.76 Lacs
Telephone & Internet ChargesRs. 31.26 Lacs
Water ChargesRs. 0.79 Lacs
ManefestoRs. 2.32 Lacs
Press Conference ExpensesRs. 3.30 Lacs
Rashtrawadi Welfare ExpensesRs. 484.00 Lacs
Rashtrawadi Masik ExpensesRs. 131.00 Lacs
HonorariumRs. 0.36 Lacs
Computer ExpensesRs. 0.27 Lacs
Loss on sale of AssetRs. 7.95 Lacs
AINCP ContributionRs. 8.00 Lacs
Travelling & ProgramsRs. 296.56 Lacs
Functions & ProgramsRs. 28.66 Lacs
Meeting ExpensesRs. 300.74 Lacs
Publicity & AdvertisementRs. 844.83 Lacs
Income Tax (TDS, Intt. & Penalty)Rs. 4.42 Lacs
DepreciationRs. 141.20 Lacs
Surplus T/F to Balance sheetRs. -105.89 Lacs
Total Expenditures Rs. 2,656.67 Lacs

Disclaimer:.. The primary source for the data used for these reports is the sworn affidavits provided by the candidates themselves. Sheer volume of data that has to be read from the affidavits that are often poorly scanned and the lightening speed at which these reports have to be brought out makes it quite difficult to ensure accuracy of every bit of data. In case of any discrepancy in our reports vis a vis the original affidavit of any candidate, the original affidavit should be considered accurate. If you notice any discrepancies between affidavit and our report kindly let us know and we will fix them on our end as soon as possible.