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HomeUttar Pradesh 2017RAE BARELI

Uttar Pradesh 2017

Election Summary

Total number of constituencies analyzed 403
Total candidates analyzed by NEW 4806
Candidates with declared criminal cases 875(18%)
Candidates with declared serious criminal cases 716(15%)
Crorepati candidates 1444(30%)
Candidates who are graduate or above 2288 (48%)
Candidates who have not declared PAN 1204 (25%)
Total women candidates 454 (9%)
Total candidates who have filed ITR 2029 (42%)
Total winners analyzed by NEW 403
Winners with declared criminal cases 146 (36%)
Winners with declared serious criminal cases 110 (27%)
Crorepati winners 324 (80%)
Winners who are graduate or above 290 (72%)
Winners who have not declared PAN 4 (1%)
Total women winners 41 (10%)
Total winners who have filed ITR 348 (86%)

List of Candidates (RAE BARELI)

Sno .CandidatePartyCriminal CasesEducationAgeTotal AssetsLiabilities
1 Aditi SinghINC0Post Graduate29Rs 13,98,456
~ 13 Lacs+
Rs 44,90,234
~ 44 Lacs+
2 Ajay Pal SinghINC1Graduate47Rs 23,83,77,151
~ 23 Crore+
Rs 4,49,00,305
~ 4 Crore+
3 Amar NathIND08th Pass40
4 Amit KumarManavtawadi Samaj Party012th Pass27Rs 74,454
~ 74 Thou+
Rs 0
5 Amit SinghIND0Graduate37Rs 60,000
~ 60 Thou+
Rs 0
6 Anil KumarBahujan Mukti Party012th Pass34
7 Anita SrivastavaBJP0Graduate Professional40Rs 1,09,89,569
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 8,98,676
~ 8 Lacs+
8 Ashok KumarIND012th Pass44Rs 3,88,454
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
10 Bharati PandeyRLD0Others49Rs 41,42,000
~ 41 Lacs+
Rs 0
11 Braj Lal PasiBSP0Post Graduate68Rs 3,80,59,180
~ 3 Crore+
Rs 0
12 ChandikaRashtriya Jan Adhikar Party05th Pass54
13 Chandra KaliIND012th Pass39Rs 35,40,098
~ 35 Lacs+
Rs 59,811
~ 59 Thou+
14 Dal BahadurBJP010th Pass61Rs 41,87,427
~ 41 Lacs+
Rs 2,04,993
~ 2 Lacs+
15 Devendra Pratap SinghSP0Post Graduate59
16 Dhirendra Bahadur SinghBJP8Graduate Professional46Rs 46,14,697
~ 46 Lacs+
Rs 2,00,000
~ 2 Lacs+
17 Dinesh KumarIND0Graduate Professional30Rs 1,60,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
19 Guru PrasadIND0Literate47Rs 29,10,714
~ 29 Lacs+
Rs 0
20 HarishchandraIND0LiterateUnknownRs 1,21,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
21 HarishchandraBharat Kranti Rakshak Party012th Pass51
22 Hori LalIND0Graduate Professional59Rs 7,87,000
~ 7 Lacs+
Rs 75,000
~ 75 Thou+
23 Jagdish PrasadIND08th Pass37Rs 29,17,000
~ 29 Lacs+
Rs 0
24 Kamlesh KumarBahujan Mukti Party0Post Graduate42
25 Kanchan VermaBJP0Post Graduate27Rs 1,77,01,500
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
26 Mahendra SinghRashtriya Janadhikar Party0Post Graduate38Rs 20,437
~ 20 Thou+
Rs 0
28 Manju DeviManavtawadi Samaj Party0LiterateUnknownRs 9,51,366
~ 9 Lacs+
Rs 0
29 Manju PalIND012th Pass33Rs 4,58,000
~ 4 Lacs+
Rs 0
30 Manoj Kumar PandeySP1Doctorate42
31 Manvendra SinghAajad Bharat Party (Democratic)012th Pass32Rs 40,500
~ 40 Thou+
Rs 0
32 Mhd. Shahbaz KhanBSP0Graduate35Rs 5,46,42,570
~ 5 Crore+
Rs 2,39,37,690
~ 2 Crore+
33 Mo.junaidBahujan Mukti Party0Post Graduate30
34 Mohd. ImranIUML0Graduate26Rs 26,000
~ 26 Thou+
Rs 0
35 Narendra Kumar YadavRLD08th Pass29Rs 20,80,000
~ 20 Lacs+
Rs 0
37 Piyush SharmaIND012th Pass31Rs 1,31,500
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
38 Pushpant KumarRashtriya Jan Adhikar Party0Post Graduate29Rs 56,634
~ 56 Thou+
Rs 0
39 RadheshyamRLD012th Pass49
40 Raj BahadurIND18th Pass51Rs 74,47,000
~ 74 Lacs+
Rs 4,50,000
~ 4 Lacs+
41 Rajesh KumarBahujan Mukti Party210th Pass44Rs 44,19,300
~ 44 Lacs+
Rs 92,200
~ 92 Thou+
42 RakeshIND08th Pass37
43 Rakesh SinghINC0Graduate41Rs 27,61,28,756
~ 27 Crore+
Rs 1,28,24,656
~ 1 Crore+
44 Ram BahadurJan Adhikar Party0Graduate56Rs 3,91,52,000
~ 3 Crore+
Rs 0
46 Ram LakhanIND0Graduate42Rs 2,55,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
47 Ram Lal AkelaRLD312th Pass62Rs 1,75,56,700
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 11,60,000
~ 11 Lacs+
48 Ram NarayanSabka Dal United0Graduate49
49 Ram NareshPeace Party0Graduate35Rs 4,95,100
~ 4 Lacs+
Rs 0
50 Ram Naresh RawatBJP0Post Graduate52Rs 2,63,02,531
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 47,49,720
~ 47 Lacs+
51 Ram PalIND0Literate67
52 Ram SajiwanIND012th Pass42Rs 6,000
~ 6 Thou+
Rs 0
53 RamchandraManavtawadi Samaj Party010th Pass25Rs 42,950
~ 42 Thou+
Rs 0
55 Ratna PandeyRLD0Graduate Professional38Rs 46,20,500
~ 46 Lacs+
Rs 12,70,000
~ 12 Lacs+
56 Sabir KhanSamtawadi Republican Party010th Pass29Rs 16,12,041
~ 16 Lacs+
Rs 0
57 Sanjay KumarIND010th Pass35
58 Sant SharanIND0Graduate39Rs 36,59,386
~ 36 Lacs+
Rs 1,60,000
~ 1 Lacs+
59 Satyesh KumarJan Adhikar Party012th Pass32Rs 6,94,000
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 0
60 Shahab SharanINC0Graduate39
61 Shashi LataManavtawadi Samaj Party0Post Graduate26Rs 1,76,500
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
62 Shyam SundarBSP010th Pass53Rs 35,40,098
~ 35 Lacs+
Rs 59,811
~ 59 Thou+
64 Siya RamIND28th Pass38Rs 30,81,160
~ 30 Lacs+
Rs 0
65 Sonu LalManavtawadi Samaj Party012th Pass26Rs 98,800
~ 98 Thou+
Rs 0
66 Sudhir KumarJan Adhikar Party0Graduate36
67 Sunil Kumar TiwariPeace Party0Post Graduate31Rs 23,19,190
~ 23 Lacs+
Rs 10,89,500
~ 10 Lacs+
68 Suresh ChaudharyINC112th Pass49Rs 1,94,87,939
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 47,56,877
~ 47 Lacs+
69 Sushil Kumar Dhangarsuresh ChaudharyIND0Post Graduate37
70 Sushil Kumar PasiIND2Post Graduate41Rs 1,44,40,519
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 7,90,000
~ 7 Lacs+
71 Thakur Prasad YadavBSP012th Pass49Rs 8,94,42,518
~ 8 Crore+
Rs 1,74,44,263
~ 1 Crore+
73 Vijay KumarManavtawadi Samaj Party0Graduate30Rs 2,14,500
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
74 Vishwa Nath VermaRashtriya Jan Adhikar Party0Post Graduate61Rs 2,37,87,000
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 33,00,000
~ 33 Lacs+
75 Vivek Vikram SinghBSP0Graduate31


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