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HomeWest Bengal 2016HOOGHLY

West Bengal 2016

Election Summary

Total number of constituencies analyzed 294
Total candidates analyzed by NEW 1948
Candidates with declared criminal cases 358(18%)
Candidates with declared serious criminal cases 297(15%)
Crorepati candidates 240(12%)
Candidates who are graduate or above 960 (49%)
Candidates who have not declared PAN 359 (18%)
Total women candidates 199 (10%)
Total candidates who have filed ITR 863 (44%)
Total winners analyzed by NEW 284
Winners with declared criminal cases 107 (38%)
Winners with declared serious criminal cases 92 (32%)
Crorepati winners 96 (34%)
Winners who are graduate or above 189 (67%)
Winners who have not declared PAN 8 (3%)
Total women winners 40 (14%)
Total winners who have filed ITR 228 (80%)

List of Candidates (HOOGHLY)

Sno .CandidatePartyCriminal CasesEducationAgeTotal AssetsLiabilities
1 Abdul Goni SarkarParty for Democratic Socialism012th Pass56Rs 6,50,000
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 0
2 Abdul MannanINC1Graduate Professional64Rs 34,61,607
~ 34 Lacs+
Rs 0
3 Ashim Kumar MajhiAITC0Graduate53Rs 16,64,253
~ 16 Lacs+
Rs 0
4 Ashis HalderIND0Graduate28Rs 34,700
~ 34 Thou+
Rs 0
5 Ashok BhattacharyaBJP0Graduate53
6 Asima PatraAITC212th Pass50Rs 18,72,673
~ 18 Lacs+
Rs 5,10,621
~ 5 Lacs+
7 Asit Kumar MalikCPI(M)0Post Graduate51Rs 57,64,247
~ 57 Lacs+
Rs 3,00,000
~ 3 Lacs+
8 Asit MazumderAITC1Graduate Professional59Rs 1,61,29,746
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 10,194
~ 10 Thou+
10 Becharam MannaAITC2110th Pass45
11 Bhaskar BhattacharyaBJP0Graduate Professional58Rs 78,37,144
~ 78 Lacs+
Rs 1,20,825
~ 1 Lacs+
12 Bikash Chandra DoluiBJP012th Pass52Rs 4,94,500
~ 4 Lacs+
Rs 50,000
~ 50 Thou+
13 Biswanath KarakAIFB812th Pass54Rs 18,97,000
~ 18 Lacs+
Rs 0
14 Champa ChakrabortyBJP0Post Graduate53Rs 24,96,767
~ 24 Lacs+
Rs 0
15 Chandan MondalIND010th Pass37
16 Deb Kanta SikdarIND010th Pass32Rs 200
~ 2 Hund+
Rs 0
17 Dilip Kumar NathINC110th Pass59Rs 17,58,538
~ 17 Lacs+
Rs 0
19 Dr. Sudipta RoyAITC0Post Graduate68Rs 4,91,52,747
~ 4 Crore+
Rs 0
20 Dwijaprosad BhattacharyaIND0Post Graduate81
21 Gautam MondalCPI(ML)(L)05th Pass43Rs 600
~ 6 Hund+
Rs 0
22 Gautam SarkarIND28th Pass36Rs 9,33,400
~ 9 Lacs+
Rs 0
23 Goutam SarkarCPI(M)0Post Graduate54Rs 17,62,965
~ 17 Lacs+
Rs 36,000
~ 36 Thou+
24 Indranil SenAITC0Others52Rs 6,67,82,498
~ 6 Crore+
Rs 83,88,670
~ 83 Lacs+
25 Iqbal AhmedAITC410th Pass60
26 Islam Ali KhanCPI(M)510th Pass67Rs 9,85,000
~ 9 Lacs+
Rs 0
28 Jhantu SahaIND0Literate41Rs 68,684
~ 68 Thou+
Rs 0
29 Jogiyananda MishraCPI(M)1Graduate41Rs 1,92,667
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
30 Kashinath MurmuJMM0Not Given45
31 Kaushik Kisore RoyIND012th Pass39Rs 96,229
~ 96 Thou+
Rs 0
32 Khandakar KamrujjamanIndian Unity Centre0Post Graduate35Rs 5,09,000
~ 5 Lacs+
Rs 0
33 Krishna BhattacharjeeBJP212th Pass53Rs 2,32,564
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
34 Krishna Chandra SantraAITC0Graduate63Rs 39,73,028
~ 39 Lacs+
Rs 0
35 Lakshmi Kanta SingIndian Unity Centre08th Pass48
37 Manas MajumdarAITC1Graduate36Rs 8,76,014
~ 8 Lacs+
Rs 0
38 Mangal SarkarIND08th Pass36Rs 1,66,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 80,000
~ 80 Thou+
39 Md. NuruzzamanAITC0Post Graduate55Rs 97,80,294
~ 97 Lacs+
Rs 5,00,000
~ 5 Lacs+
40 Milan RakshitSUCI(C)08th Pass63
41 Moidul Islam LaskarIndian Unity Centre0Graduate34Rs 5,09,566
~ 5 Lacs+
Rs 0
42 Murari BeraBJP1Graduate50Rs 51,37,646
~ 51 Lacs+
Rs 12,000
~ 12 Thou+
43 Muzaffar KhanAITC0Post Graduate62Rs 1,83,74,328
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 15,00,000
~ 15 Lacs+
44 Niranjan BagCPI(ML)(L)1Graduate Professional48Rs 10,66,000
~ 10 Lacs+
Rs 0
46 Palash Kinkar HansdaJharkhand Disom Party0Graduate38Rs 6,500
~ 6 Thou+
Rs 0
47 Pallab BagJharkhand Disom Party08th Pass33Rs 2,04,127
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0
48 Panchugopal MondalCPI(M)010th Pass62Rs 36,96,744
~ 36 Lacs+
Rs 0
49 Pobitra Singha RoyCPI(M)1Post Graduate57Rs 60,22,220
~ 60 Lacs+
Rs 0
50 Prabir Kumar GhosalAITC0Graduate59
51 Pradip MajumdarAIFB0Post Graduate42Rs 22,92,814
~ 22 Lacs+
Rs 0
52 Pranab Kumar GhoshAIFB0Graduate Professional56Rs 49,48,000
~ 49 Lacs+
Rs 0
53 Pratim Singha RoyINC0Graduate Professional62Rs 77,91,234
~ 77 Lacs+
Rs 0
55 Rabin DebCPI(M)0Graduate67
56 Rabindranath BhattacharyaAITC1Post Graduate84Rs 67,86,423
~ 67 Lacs+
Rs 0
57 Rachhpal SinghAITC0Graduate Professional73Rs 86,70,537
~ 86 Lacs+
Rs 79,36,089
~ 79 Lacs+
58 Raghuwansh DwiwedySHS0Graduate50Rs 10,500
~ 10 Thou+
Rs 0
59 Raj Kumari ShawBJP08th Pass44Rs 9,70,776
~ 9 Lacs+
Rs 0
60 Ramkrishna PalBJP012th Pass57
61 Saiyad Rahim NabiAITC010th Pass30Rs 2,16,69,024
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 14,31,706
~ 14 Lacs+
62 Sajal AdhikariCPI(ML)(L)0Post Graduate52Rs 19,60,000
~ 19 Lacs+
Rs 0
64 Samir MitraBSP0Graduate53Rs 51,087
~ 51 Thou+
Rs 5,57,094
~ 5 Lacs+
65 Sanjib KarmakarIND012th Pass57
66 Sasthi DuleyBJP010th Pass37Rs 23,05,250
~ 23 Lacs+
Rs 2,69,025
~ 2 Lacs+
67 Shankar JanaSUCI(C)1Literate69Rs 25,23,100
~ 25 Lacs+
Rs 0
68 Sima ChowdhuriSUCI(C)0Graduate58Rs 1,482
~ 1 Thou+
Rs 0
69 Sk Md Azim AliCPI(M)0Graduate47Rs 17,98,809
~ 17 Lacs+
Rs 2,84,363
~ 2 Lacs+
70 Sk. Amjad HossainCPI(M)4Graduate Professional37
71 Sk. Amjad HossainIND010th Pass31Rs 3,20,089
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
73 Snehasis ChakrabortyAITC2Post Graduate46Rs 39,33,044
~ 39 Lacs+
Rs 5,00,000
~ 5 Lacs+
74 Souren PatraBJP110th Pass44Rs 6,01,536
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 45,000
~ 45 Thou+
75 Sri Sudipta ChattopadhyayBJP2Graduate39
76 Srutinath PraharajCPI(M)1Doctorate55Rs 1,11,28,551
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 0
77 Subash Chandra HalderBJP0Graduate52Rs 1,07,62,196
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 1,10,000
~ 1 Lacs+
78 Subhankar SarkarINC0Graduate Professional56Rs 4,35,04,867
~ 4 Crore+
Rs 21,85,184
~ 21 Lacs+
79 Subhasis DuttaIND010th Pass27Rs 2,08,258
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 1,56,075
~ 1 Lacs+
80 Subhendu MukherjeeBJP0Graduate55
82 Sukumar MandiJharkhand Disom Party012th Pass36Rs 700
~ 7 Hund+
Rs 0
83 Surajit GhoshNCP1Graduate40Rs 3,63,811
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 69,000
~ 69 Thou+
84 Susanta SenguptaBJP0Graduate Professional56Rs 55,06,592
~ 55 Lacs+
Rs 3,10,500
~ 3 Lacs+
85 Suvendu BiswasIND012th Pass47
86 Swapan MajumdarCPI(ML)(L)010th Pass63Rs 92,89,458
~ 92 Lacs+
Rs 0
87 Swati KhandokerAITC012th Pass48Rs 38,11,189
~ 38 Lacs+
Rs 0
88 Tandra BhattacharjeeBJP08th Pass55Rs 25,92,754
~ 25 Lacs+
Rs 0
89 Tapan ChowdhurySUCI(C)012th Pass58Rs 3,00,500
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
91 Uma Das(paul)Forward Democratic Labour Party08th Pass35Rs 2,65,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 0


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