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HomeKarnataka 2023BIDAR

Karnataka 2023

Election Summary

Total number of constituencies analyzed 224
Total candidates analyzed by NEW 2586
Candidates with declared criminal cases 582(23%)
Candidates with declared serious criminal cases 400(15%)
Crorepati candidates 1087(42%)
Candidates who are graduate or above 1108 (43%)
Candidates who have not declared PAN 40 (2%)
Total women candidates 186 (7%)
Total winners analyzed by NEW 223
Winners with declared criminal cases 122 (55%)
Winners with declared serious criminal cases 72 (32%)
Crorepati winners 217 (97%)
Winners who are graduate or above 139 (62%)
Winners who have not declared PAN 0 (0%)
Total women winners 10 (4%)

List of Candidates (BIDAR)

Sno .CandidatePartyCriminal CasesEducationAgeTotal AssetsLiabilities
1 Abdul Jameel InamdarIND010th Pass56Rs 12,37,000
~ 12 Lacs+
Rs 12,37,000
~ 12 Lacs+
2 Ambadas J SalankeIND0Graduate Professional33Rs 53,912
~ 53 Thou+
Rs 0
3 Anil RathodRashtriya Maratha Party110th Pass28
4 AnilkumarBSP0Others35Rs 10,74,500
~ 10 Lacs+
Rs 3,35,000
~ 3 Lacs+
5 AnkushKarnataka Rashtra Samithi08th Pass31Rs 3,25,000
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 50,000
~ 50 Thou+
6 Ashok KhenyINC3Post Graduate73
7 Ashok Kumar KaranjiSarvajanika Adarsha Sena0Graduate60Rs 1,28,50,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 90,00,000
~ 90 Lacs+
8 B A BoroleIND0Graduate Professional40Rs 31,53,942
~ 31 Lacs+
Rs 4,14,260
~ 4 Lacs+
10 Bandeppa KhashempurJD(S)0Graduate Professional59Rs 12,44,81,759
~ 12 Crore+
Rs 64,00,000
~ 64 Lacs+
11 Bank ReddyAAP112th Pass36Rs 3,06,35,000
~ 3 Crore+
Rs 91,00,000
~ 91 Lacs+
12 Bheema Shankar Police PatilKalyana Rajya Pragathi Paksha112th Pass50
13 C.M FaizJD(S)0Post Graduate39Rs 22,22,92,876
~ 22 Crore+
Rs 0
14 Chandra SinghIND0Graduate Professional51Rs 82,36,55,427
~ 82 Crore+
Rs 5,86,49,884
~ 5 Crore+
15 Dipak MalgarAAP0Post Graduate39
16 Dnyaneshwar SingareBSP0Graduate37Rs 10,00,000
~ 10 Lacs+
Rs 0
17 Dr. M P DarakeswaraiahIND0Graduate Professional64Rs 9,05,000
~ 9 Lacs+
Rs 0
19 Dr. Shinde BhimsenraoINC0Doctorate68Rs 2,09,51,389
~ 2 Crore+
Rs 18,00,000
~ 18 Lacs+
20 Eshwar KhandreINC7Graduate Professional61Rs 8,74,42,877
~ 8 Crore+
Rs 58,02,106
~ 58 Lacs+
21 Ganesh GovindIND010th Pass32
22 Gnaneshwar HosamaniIND0Graduate Professional25Rs 57,200
~ 57 Thou+
Rs 0
23 GundojiIND0Others38Rs 4,56,000
~ 4 Lacs+
Rs 1,95,000
~ 1 Lacs+
24 GunwantraoBSP0Others60
25 Hanamanth MatteKarnataka Rashtra Samithi012th Pass45Rs 16,80,000
~ 16 Lacs+
Rs 1,72,000
~ 1 Lacs+
26 Ishwarchandr VidhyasagarBJP1Post Graduate51Rs 1,44,01,259
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 27,45,143
~ 27 Lacs+
28 Kapil GodboleBSP0Graduate Professional37Rs 54,18,674
~ 54 Lacs+
Rs 0
29 LaxmanKalyana Rajya Pragathi Paksha3Post Graduate54Rs 16,52,68,300
~ 16 Crore+
Rs 0
30 M.Naseemuddin PatelAAP18th Pass61
31 MaheshRepublican Party of India (A)0Post Graduate35Rs 3,23,320
~ 3 Lacs+
Rs 0
32 Mohammed Abrar AhmedAll India Majlis-E-Inquilab-E-Millat0Graduate63Rs 11,00,000
~ 11 Lacs+
Rs 0
33 Mohmed Gulam AliAAP08th Pass34
34 Naganath MarutiIndian Movement Party0Others34Rs 2,95,000
~ 2 Lacs+
Rs 3,00,000
~ 3 Lacs+
35 NarsingJanahitha Paksha0Illiterate70Rs 43,70,632
~ 43 Lacs+
Rs 0
37 Prabhu ChavanBJP012th Pass53Rs 10,85,23,296
~ 10 Crore+
Rs 54,53,872
~ 54 Lacs+
38 Prakash KhandreBJP312th Pass65Rs 41,33,93,577
~ 41 Crore+
Rs 28,70,88,041
~ 28 Crore+
39 Rahim KhanINC012th Pass57
40 RahulSamajwadi Janata Party(Karnataka)112th Pass32Rs 6,53,000
~ 6 Lacs+
Rs 0
41 Rajashekhar Basavaraj PatilINC112th Pass58Rs 9,32,51,840
~ 9 Crore+
Rs 36,42,980
~ 36 Lacs+
42 Rajeshwari VardhanRepublican Party of India0Post Graduate40
43 Rouf PatelJD(S)012th Pass41Rs 71,51,793
~ 71 Lacs+
Rs 14,40,000
~ 14 Lacs+
44 S Vaijaynath GIND012th Pass47Rs 73,95,995
~ 73 Lacs+
Rs 1,76,600
~ 1 Lacs+
46 SantoshkumarIND010th Pass37NilRs 0
47 Sharanu SalagarBJP1Post Graduate47Rs 4,65,20,057
~ 4 Crore+
Rs 46,07,167
~ 46 Lacs+
48 Shashikumar S. PatilIND212th Pass49
49 Shivaji SirgapurUttama Prajaakeeya Party012th Pass28Rs 7,24,000
~ 7 Lacs+
Rs 0
50 Shivakumar PatilIND1Graduate36Rs 5,72,000
~ 5 Lacs+
Rs 3,93,024
~ 3 Lacs+
51 ShivrajRashtriya Samaj Paksha012th Pass60
52 Shweeta AartiRepublican Party of India (A)0Post Graduate37Rs 21,50,000
~ 21 Lacs+
Rs 5,00,000
~ 5 Lacs+
53 Siddu PatilBJP3Graduate Professional45Rs 8,90,73,491
~ 8 Crore+
Rs 6,53,20,101
~ 6 Crore+
55 Suryakanth NagamarpalliJD(S)012th Pass54Rs 51,55,22,487
~ 51 Crore+
Rs 0
56 Taterao Apparao PatilIND012th Pass61Rs 11,50,000
~ 11 Lacs+
Rs 0
57 Tukaram GoureKarnataka Rashtra Samithi0Graduate47
58 Tukaram HajareAAP010th Pass32Rs 1,62,000
~ 1 Lacs+
Rs 0
59 Umesh Gunderao PandreIND0Graduate Professional51Rs 1,01,59,000
~ 1 Crore+
Rs 26,00,000
~ 26 Lacs+
60 Veerareddy Basareddy PatilIND0Graduate71
61 Vijay SinghINC2Graduate51Rs 96,62,80,077
~ 96 Crore+
Rs 53,14,15,583
~ 53 Crore+


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